Jenny Howe


Jenny Howe, PhD

Assistant Teaching Professor

English & Communication




Liberal Arts 216


2014Tufts UniversityPhD
2005Boston CollegeMA
2002Boston CollegeBA


  • First Year Writing
  • Children's Media and Literature
  • Medieval Literature
  • Gender and Identity
  • Creative Writing





Synthesis-focused course that builds on ENL 101. Students sharpen analytical skills by reading complex texts across public and academic genres. Students also create individual research questions, build college-level research skills, compose sophisticated syntheses, and revise their own argumentative, academic contributions to a defined conversation. Students leave the course prepared for intermediate reading and writing tasks in a broad variety of disciplines as well as with improved research skills and the reflective habits of successful, life-long learners.

A study of selected readings dealing with a special topic chosen by the instructor. Recent special topics include New England Literature, Children's Literature, the Artist in Literature, Black Music, and Black Literature. May be repeated with change of content. Cross-listed as BLS 200; LST 200.

A study of selected readings dealing with a special topic chosen by the instructor. Recent special topics include New England Literature, Children's Literature, the Artist in Literature, Black Music, and Black Literature. May be repeated with change of content. Cross-listed as BLS 200; LST 200.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Techniques of writing fiction. Guides students through writing and refining short fiction. This course develops students' abilities to create and revise short stories reflecting an understanding of the elements of fiction, including characterization, dialogue, plot, setting, point of view, and theme. In addition, students will analyze their own writing, peer stories, and model stories. Students will learn how to respond to the writing of their peers and offer helpful feedback. Workshop format.
Register for this course.


Research interests

  • Children's Media and Literature
  • Gender and Identity
  • Writing Pedagogy

Select publications

Professor Jenny Howe teaches writing and literature courses that focus on children’s media and the representation of bodies and identity. She also writes and publishes fiction. Her debut romantic comedy, The Make-Up Test, was published by St. Martin’s Press in September 2022, with a second novel, On the Plus Side, following in 2023.