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Melissa Duprey


Melissa Duprey

Clinical Associate Professor / Master's of Science Program Director

College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Curriculum Vitae




Dion 201


2010Walden UniversityEdD
2006University of South AlabamaMSN
1997University of South FloridaBSN
1992Manatee Community CollegeASN




Research interests

  • Simulation in Nursing Education
  • Student engagement
  • Clinical faculty preparation
  • Experiential teaching strategies
  • Novice faculty development

Select publications

See curriculum vitae for more publications

  • Gunberg-Ross, J., Silver-Dunker, K., Duprey, M., Parsons, T., Bartell, D. & Humphries, L. (2022).
    The Use of Simulation for Clinical Nursing Faculty Orientation: A Multisite Study
    Clinical Simulation in Nursing Journal, 63, 23-30.
  • Duprey, M. Dunker, K. & Whittaker, S. (2021).
    The use of auditory simulation in undergraduate nursing to promote empathy
    Nursing Education Perspectives
  • Duprey, M. & Dunker, K. (2019).
    Megacode Simulation Training in Undergraduate Nursing Education
    Nursing Education Perspectives, 42, 193-194.
  • Dunker, K., Duprey, M. & Ross, J. G. (2018).
    Simulation Strategies used in the Transition from Expert Clinician to Novice Educator
    Nursing Education Perspectives, 42, 63-64.
  • Duprey, M. (2016).
    The Use of Simulation Strategies: An Experiential Approach toward Improving Academic Achievement.
    Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository

Melissa D. Duprey began her journey in nursing at Manatee Community College where she received her ASN in 1992. She completed her BSN at the University of South Florida in 1997 and her MSN at the University of South Alabama in 2006. In 2010 she earned a Doctorate of Education from Walden University. Currently, she is an Associate Professor and serves as the graduate program coordinator for the Nurse Educator program at Worcester State University. Dr. Duprey is a certified nurse educator.

Prior to entering the faculty role, she worked in a variety of clinical settings including medsurg, surgical oncology, bone marrow transplant unit, cardiac intensive care, step down trauma unit and post anesthesia care unit. She been teaching in the academic setting for the past 16 years in a variety of academic institutions including a pre-licensure associate degree community college, pre-licensure bachelor degree private college, as well as graduate and DNP degree at a private university. Dr. Duprey has served as a graduate program coordinator at WSU
Dr. Duprey’ research is focused on simulation strategies in nursing education as an experiential approach toward enhancing student achievement in undergraduate students. Her most recent scholarship has focused on the use of simulation to prepare expert clinicians as they transition into novice nurse educators, as well as the use of simulation teaching strategies to train undergrad students. Further areas of expertise include strategies to enhance critical thinking skills and the use of innovative teaching strategies as a means of promoting student engagement and improving academic success and levels of confidence upon transitioning into actual clinical settings. She has presented her research at various conferences both regional and national, as both a podium and poster presenter and is published in the use of simulation. Additionally, Dr. Duprey serves as a journal reviewer for Nursing Forum Journal."

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