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Tania Perez Cano


Tania Perez Cano, PhD she/her/hers

Associate Professor

Global Languages and Cultures




Liberal Arts 348


2013The University of IowaPhD
2005University of HavanaMA
1996University of HavanaBA


  • Comics and Graphic Novels in the Hispanic World
  • Cuban Short Story, 20th. -21st. Centuries: From Revolution to Disillusion
  • Ecological Imaginations in 20th. Century Latin America
  • Spanish Literature in Translation
  • Latin American Short Story, 19th-21st Centuries





Essentials of aural-oral, reading and writing with intensive drilling on pronunciation, intonation and grammar.

Lectures, class discussions, written and oral reports on the significant aspects of Latin American literary, social, and artistic development from the period of discovery and colonization to present times.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Essentials of aural-oral, reading and writing with intensive drilling on pronunciation, intonation and grammar.


Research activities

  • "El cómic en el Caribe hispano y sus diásporas”. Coordinated, organized and presented in this virtual panel about comics in the Hispanic Caribbean and its diasporas, with academics and creators from Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Moderated by Premio Nadal 2020 winner Ana Merino (Spain). March 17, online.
  • “José Martí in the Writings of Gabriela Mistral, Ofelia Rodríguez Acosta and Fina García Marruz”. 1st Biannual Conference of the Center for José Martí Studies Affiliate, “Envisaging José Martí in 2021: History, Culture and Education”, January 28-30, online.
  • Online presentation of the novel Penínsulas rotas (La Moderna Publishing House, 2020), by Venezuelan author and professor Magdalena López. December 16, 2020.
  • “New Weapons for a Greek Goddess: Athena, the first Cuban webcomic in English”. Conference of the International Comics Art Forum, December 3rd, online.
  • “Narrativas gráficas testimoniales de la migración cubana: Cuba, my Revolution, de Inverna Lockpez and Adiós, mi Habana, de Anna Veltfort”. International Conference Comics in Dialogue, organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. October 20- 23, online.


Research interests

  • Cuban and Cuban-American studies
  • Comics and graphic studies in the Hispanic world
  • Latin American cultural studies
  • Latino/Latinx in the US
  • Cuban revolution

Select publications

  • Perez Cano, Tania (2020).
    Athena: nuevas armas para una diosa antigua, o los nuevos territorios de la historieta cubana". Cuadernos del Sur
    Cuadernos del Sur , 50, 123-145.
  • Perez Cano, Tania (2020).
    “La memoria como espacio de libertad: autobiografía y testimonio en las narrativas gráficas Cuba, my Revolution, de Inverna Lockpez y Adiós mi Habana, de Anna Veltfort"
    Studia Romanistica, 20, 57-73.
  • Perez Cano, Tania (2019).
    "Graphic Testimonies of the Balsero Crisis of 1994: Narratives of Cuban Detainees at the Guantanamo Naval Base"
    International Journal of Comic Art, 21, 79-104.
  • Perez Cano, Tania; Tullis, Brittany; Merino, Ana (2019).
    El cómic: intertextualidades, discursividades y paratextos en el arte secuencial de América Latina
    Mitologías Hoy. Revista de pensamiento, crítica y estudios literarios latinoamericanos, 20, Coordinated Volume.
  • Perez Cano, Tania (2016).
    Imposibilidad del beatus ille: Representaciones de la crisis ecológica en España y América Latina
    Almenara Press, Book

Tania Pérez Cano holds a BA in Hispanic language and literatures, and an MA in Latin American Literary Studies from the University of Havana. She earned her PhD in Hispanic Studies at The University of Iowa in 2013. Her teaching and scholarly interests focus on 20th. and 21st. century Latin American literary and cultural studies, and visual studies --particularly comics, in Spain, Latin America, and the United States. Pérez Cano has held research and teaching positions in Cuba, Mexico, and the United States. Prior to joining the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, she was a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse and the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, she is working on a manuscript that explores the intertextuality and iconic images in the graphic novel Borges, inspector de aves, by Argentinian comic artist Lucas Nine. Pérez Cano’s research focuses on visual representation of cultural, ideological, political and environmental issues, from immigration, the Cuban Revolution and the production of latin/latinx comics in the United States. She has taught a variety of courses, such as Latin American Culture and Civilization, Latin American Short Story, 19th-21st centuries, Spanish Literature in Translation, Ecological Imaginations in 20th. Century Latin America, Cuban Short Story, 20th. -21st. Centuries: From Revolution to Disillusion, and Comics and Graphic Novels in the Hispanic World.

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