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AGH 301: Adulthood & Aging - fall

Prerequisite: Psy 101; 201 or 215 or 220

A study of normative adult life transformations and crises within the context of cultural diversity and empowerment. Students will investigate culture, gender and ethnicity patterns. Topics include methodology; developmental theories of adulthood; physical and cognitive changes in adulthood; changing societal, familial, and occupational roles in adulthood; changes in personality and responses to stress in adult lives; and dying as the final stage of development.

11014 01 Lecture 15 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EST 3:15 PM EST Liberal Arts 215
Instructor: Andrew Revell Class status:
Prerequisite: Psy 101; 201 or 215 or 220
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person