CIS 599: CIS Graduate Seminar - fall

Department seminar presentations by speakers from industry and academia in addition to UMass Dartmouth faculty, and CIS Master student thesis defense presentations that are scheduled during the seminar course time slot. Students are required to attend these presentations and participate in technical discussions and write a report by the end of the semester.

11478 01 Seminar 72 0.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 3:00 PM EDT 4:15 PM EDT Library Lecture Hall 205
Instructor: Gokhan Kul Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
11478 01 Seminar 72 0.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 3:00 PM EDT 4:15 PM EDT Library Lecture Hall 205
Instructor: Long Jiao Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person