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HLT 450: Health and Society Internship - fall

Prerequisite: HLT 201 & HLT 211 (or ENL 264), and junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.

General Education requirement: 5B - Engagement

Semester-long internship in community-based organization that addresses an aspect of human health and well-being. Work is supervised by on-site sponsor as well as instructor. Students gain and reflect on work experience and prepare themselves for next steps in defining and achieving their career goals.

10956 01 Internship 25 6.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 8:00 AM EST 8:50 AM EST Liberal Arts 104
Instructor: Kristen McHenry Class status:
Prerequisite: HLT 201 & HLT 211 (or ENL 264), and junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person