Kristen McHenry


Kristen McHenry, PhD

Assistant Professor

Political Science


Health & Society

Curriculum Vitae



Liberal Arts 312



Liberal Arts 312


2013UMass AmherstPhD


  • Introduction to Women's Studies
  • Global Women's Health
  • Women's Health and Environment
  • Feminist Research Methods





Semester-long internship in community-based organization that addresses an aspect of human health and well-being. Work is supervised by on-site sponsor as well as instructor. Students gain and reflect on work experience and prepare themselves for next steps in defining and achieving their career goals.

Investigation of the complex relationship between our environment and women's health and bodies. Theoretical concepts such as environmental justice, environmental racism, cancer prevention, the precautionary principle, and ecological feminism will be examined. Key women's health issues including reproductive health, cancer, asthma and lung disease will be explored in detail. A feminist intersectional analysis of the ways race, class, and gender inform one's experience of environmental harm and degradation will inform our study of women's health issues. In addition we will be exploring various activist and political responses to environmental and women's health issues in the United States.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Analysis of the policy-making processes, including agenda setting, adoption, implementation, and evaluation. These processes will be examined through the lens of major US policy areas such as education, the environment, and crime and justice policy.

Topics will be determined by the faculty member and will therefore vary.

Investigates aspect of human health and well-being, social and cultural determinants of health, and/or population health disparities. Topic to be determined by instructor.


Research interests

  • Environmental Health
  • Feminist Science Studies
  • Women's Health
  • Cancer

Professor McHenry's research interests center upon American Politics, with a focus on the politics of health and environment. Her work has paid particular attention to the environmental links to cancer, fracking, and women's health advocacy. She is author of the book The Green Solution to Breast Cancer: A Promise of Prevention (Praeger Press), which conducts an analysis of the politics of US healthcare policy and breast cancer activism. Her work has also appeared in Signs: Journal of Women and Culture in Society and Energy Research & Social Science. Her upcoming book Don’t Frack Your Mother: Women’s Health and Activism will be published by the University of Washington Press.