MLS 221: Pathophysiology - spring

Pre-req: MLS 211 or BIO 221 & 222 C- or better; MLSL Majors or permission of instructor

General Education requirement: Natural Science Technology

The selection, generation, and translation of basic information for the diagnosis, prognosis and management of clinical samples. Health screen vs. diagnostic and prognostic profiles will be discussed. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

2024 Spring
11220 01 Lecture 20 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 10:00 AM EDT 10:50 AM EDT Dion 110
Instructor: Melody O'Donnell Class status:
Pre-req: MLS 211 or BIO 221 & 222 C- or better; MLSL Majors or permission of instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person