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Beste Gucler

Associate Professor





Liberal Arts 396C



Dr. Gucler holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education with a cognate in Teacher Education from Michigan State University. She joined UMass Dartmouth in 2010 and taught a variety of courses including Calculus for Teachers, Frameworks for Research Analysis, Theories of STEM Learning, Research on Proof and Reasoning, and Thinking and Learning in Mathematics/Science. in K-12 and undergraduate mathematics classrooms. Her general research interests include enhancing mathematical communication in classrooms, conceptual and historical development of mathematical concepts; the teaching and learning of calculus; and the use of technology in mathematics classrooms. She has presented her work in various national and international conferences. She has served as an Interim Academic Director and continues to serve as an Executive Board Member at the Kaput Center for Research and Innovation. She is also a member of the Committee on Assessment in the Mathematical Association of America.

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