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Approved Courses

This list represents the set of approved courses at this point in time.  Courses taken prior to their approval by the General Education Committee do not satisfy the requirements. Conversely, there may be some courses that were approved for a requirement at some point but have been removed from the list; students who took these courses at the time they were approved will have that requirement satisfied.  The same is true of courses that have changed names or numbering--if the course was approved when taken it satisfies the requirement.  The best guide to knowing which requirements students have met with their actual coursework is the Advisement Report in COIN

1. Foundations for Engagement: Skills for the 21st Century

  1. Critical Writing and Reading I (3 credits)
    • ENL 101 - Critical Writing and Reading I
  2. Critical Writing and Reading II (3 credits)
    • ENL 102 - Critical Writing and Reading II
  3. Intermediate Writing (3 credits)
    • AED 302 - Researching Technology for K-12 Art Education
    • ARH 200 - Theory & Criticism of ARt & Design (formerly Studies in Visual Culture)
    • CHM 204 - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
    • CJS 257 - Foundations in Justice Studies
    • ECO 350 - Intermediate Writing in Economics
    • ENL 237 - Introduction to Strategic Communication
    • ENL 254 - Autobiographical Writing
    • ENL 260 - Intermediate Composition
    • ENL 262 - Journalism 1**
    • ENL 264 - Communicating in the Sciences
    • ENL 265 - Business Communication
    • ENL 266 - Technical Communication
    • ENL 268 - Creative Writing - Fiction
    • HLT 211 - Communicating About Health and Illness
    • HST 201 - Critical Skills for the History Major**
    • MTH 312 - Advanced Calculus II
    • MTH 361 - Numerical Methods
    • MUS 319 - Advanced Musical Listening
    • NUR 214 - Scholarly Inquiry in Nursing
    • NUR 261 - Concepts of Scholarship for Nursing Practice
    • PHY 225 - Introductory Experimental Physics I
    • PHL 399 - Philosophical Methods
    • POR 310 - Introduction to Cultural and Literary Analysis
    • PSC 249 - Intermediate Writing in Political Science
    • PSY 39X - Research Methods in Psychology
    • SOA 211 - Thinking Through Writing in Sociology and Anthropology (for students who declared a SOA major in/after Fall 2014)
    • SOA 316 - Research Methods (for students who declared a SOA major prior to Fall 2014)
    • SPA 302 - Spanish Composition and Conversation II
    • WGS 201 - Introduction to Feminist Theory
    • WGS 203 - Intersectional Feminism
  4. Mathematics (3 credits)
    • MTH 140 - Quantitative Reasoning (formerly MTH 120)
    • MTH 146 - Finite Mathematics (formerly MTH 103)
    • MTH 147 - Fundamentals of Statistics (formerly MTH 104)
    • MTH 148 - College Algebra (formerly MTH 101)
    • MTH 149 - Introductory Calculus (formerly MTH 102 - Elementary Calculus for Life and Social Sciences)
    • MTH 150 - Pre-calculus (formerly MTH 131)
    • MTH 151 - Calculus I (formerly MTH 111 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I)
    • MTH 152 - Calculus II (formerly MTH 112 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus II)
    • MTH 153 - Calculus for Applied Science and Engineering I (formerly MTH 113)
    • MTH 154 - Calculus for Applied Science and Engineering II (formerly MTH 114)
  5. Foundation for Learning through Engagement (variable credit)
    • CAS 101 - Introduction to the Arts and Sciences
    • CAS 103 - Introduction to the Arts and Sciences
    • DSC 101 - Introduction to Data Science
    • EGR 111  Introduction to Engineering and Computing
    • FOU 101 - Seminar (formerly Visual Arts Colloquium)
    • HON 101 - Reasoning and Communicating Across the Disciplines**
    • MIS 101 - The Business Organization
    • MLS 115 - Fundamentals of Medical Laboratory Science
    • MUS 291 - Performance Workshop
    • NUR 101 - Introduction to University Skills
    • PHY 109 - Freshman Seminar I
    • UNV 101 - Introduction to the University

2. The Natural World: Scientific Inquiry and Understanding

  1. Science of the Natural World (3 credits)
    • BIO 101 - General Biology I
    • BIO 103 - Topics in Biology
    • BIO 121 - Introductory Biology I (formerly Biology of Organisms I)
    • BIO 221/223 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
    • CHM 130 - Chemistry and the Environment
    • CHM 132 - Chemistry and Nutrition
    • CHM 155 - Modern Chemical Principles I
    • MAR 105 - Introductory Ocean Sciences
    • MAR 110 - Natural Hazards and the Ocean
    • MLS 105 - Contemporary Topics in Human Ecology I
    • MLS 211 - Introduction to Human Physiology
    • PHY 101 - Introduction to Physics I
    • PHY 102 - Introduction to Physics II
    • PHY 111 - Physics for Science and Engineering (Impulse Physics I)
    • PHY 112 - Physics for Applied Science and Engineering II
    • PHY 114 - Classical Physics II
    • PHY 115 - Introduction to Classical Physics*
    • PHY 151 - Introductory Astronomy
    • PHY 152 - Stars, Planets, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life* 
    • PHY 171 - Planet Earth & Its Resources I
    • PHY 172 - Planet Earth & Its Resources II*
    • PHY 182 - Introduction to the Weather
  2. Science in the Engaged Community (3 credits)
    • BIO 102 - General Biology II
    • BIO 105 - Human Nutrition (formerly NUR 105)
    • BIO 107 - Biology of Genetic Disease
    • BIO 108 - Cancer Biology
    • BIO 114 - Wellness Today
    • BIO 122 - Introductory Biology II (formerly Biology of Organisms II)
    • BIO 143 - Ecology and Environmental Issues
    • BNG 162 - Current Topics in Bioengineering: Designing a Healthier Planet and Its People
    • BNG 255 - Biology for Engineers
    • CHM 170 - Chemistry of the Elements
    • CIS 381 - Social and Ethical Aspects of Computing
    • EGR 110 - Environmental Science and Business
    • IST 111 - Science of Kriyayoga
    • MAR 115 - Introduction to Climate
    • MLS 106 - Contemporary Topics in Human Ecology II
    • MLS 313 - Medical Microbiology
    • MNE 220 - Thermodynamics I
    • NUR 211 - Concepts of Lifespan and Development
    • PHY 115 - Introduction to Classical Physics*
    • PHY 152 - Stars, Planets, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life*
    • PHY 162 - Science Technology & Society II: Environment
    • PHY 172 - Planet Earth & Its Resources II*

3. The Cultural World: Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding

  1. Literature (3 credits)
    • ENL 200 - Studies in Literature
    • ENL 213 - Survey of British Literature I
    • ENL 215 - Survey of British Literature II
    • ENL 228 - Survey of American Literature I
    • ENL 229 - Survey of American Literature II
    • ENL 246 - Women Writers
    • ENL 258 - Literary Studies
    • ENL 331 - Postcolonial Literature
    • FRN 204 - French Literature in Translation
    • ITA 204 - Italian Literature in Translation
    • POR 214 - Portuguese Literature in Translation
    • POR 215 - Brazilian Literature in Translation
    • POR 216 - Lusophone African Literature in Translation
    • POR 217 - Portuguese-American Literature
    • POR/WGS 260 - Gender and Sexuality in Lusophone Literatures
    • SPA 209 - Spanish Literature in Translation
  2. Visual and Performing Arts (3 credits)
    • ARH 102 - Introduction to the History of Art
    • ARH 105 - Visual Imagery:  A Critical Introduction
    • ARH 120 - Performing History: Art and Performance in the Contemporary Era
    • ARH 125 - Renaissance to Modern Art and its Antecedents
    • ARH 150 - Modern to Contemporary Art
    • ARH 208 - Art, Disaster, Memory
    • ARH 322 - Art and the City
    • ARH 349 - Architecture and Sustainability in American Post-Industrial Cities*
    • ARH 470 - Processing Place
    • AXD 217 - Social Practice Topics I*
    • AXD 223 - Drawing: Idea, Image and Process
    • AXD 232 - Hand Methods in Clay
    • AXD 255 - Intro to Sculpture - Fabrication
    • AXD 282 - Introduction to Digital Photography
    • ITA 211 - Contemporary Italian History through Film I
    • ITA 212 - Contemporary Italian History through Film II
    • MUS 101 - Introduction to Music I
    • MUS 103 - Introduction to World Music
    • MUS 106 - Popular Music in American Society (formerly Art of Rock: History of Rock Music)
    • MUS 125 - Jazz:  The Listener's Guide
    • MUS 472 - Music in World Cultures I

4. The Social World: Humanity and Society

  1. Human Questions and Contexts (3 credits)
    • BLS 101 - Introduction to Black Studies
    • ECO 231 - Principles of Microeconomics*
    • ENL 256 - Social Issues and Engagement in Rhetoric and Communication
    • HON 101 - Reasoning and Communicating Across the Disciplines**
    • HON 201 - Knowing Ourselves
    • HST 101 - History of Western Civilization I
    • HST 102 - History of Western Civilization II
    • HST 200 - Topics in History
    • LAR 201 - Introduction to Multidisciplinary Studies
    • LCE 200 - Introduction to Leadership and Civic Engagement**
    • PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
    • PHL 110 - Principles in Critical Thinking
    • PHL 215 - Introduction to Ethics
    • PHL 221 - History of Western Philosophy: Ancient
    • PHL 222 - History of Western Philosophy: Modern
    • PSC 213 - Law and Courts in Film
    • PSY 101 - General Psychology
    • REL 300 - Advanced Topics in Religious Studies
    • SUS 101 - Principles of Sustainability*
    • SUS 202 - Topics in Sustainability
  2. The Nature of US Society (3 credits)
    • ARH 349 - Architecture and Sustainability in American Post-Industrial Cities*
    • AXD 217 - Social Practice - Art as Action*
    • CJS 190 - Introduction to Crime and Justice Studies
    • ECO 231 - Principles of Microeconomics*
    • ECO 232 - Principles of Macroeconomics
    • HON 202 - Transformative American Ideas
    • HST 115 - History of the United States I
    • HST 116 - History of the United States II
    • LEG 201 - Intro to Legal Studies
    • PSC 101 - Introduction to American Politics
    • PSC 212 - American Politics in Film
    • PSC/WGS 337 - Reproductive Rights and Health
    • SOA 101 - Introduction to Sociology*
    • SOA 102 - Social Problems
    • SOA 111 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology*
    • URB 201 - City Life: Introduction to Urban Studies
    • WGS 101 - Introduction to Women's Studies
    • WGS/PHL 104 - Identities: Gender, Race, Sexuality
    • WGS 304 - Fourth Wave Feminism
  3. The Nature of the Global Society (3 credits)
    • ARH 357 - Modern Architecture - A Global History
    • ARH 359 - Art and Politics in the Contemporary Middle East
    • ARH 362 - Islamic Art
    • ECO 107 - Economics of Pollution
    • EGR 303 - Engineering Economy
    • GLH 200 - Principles of Global Health
    • HON 203 - Creating Global Community
    • HST 103 - World Civilizations I
    • HST 104 - World Civilizations II
    • PHL 341 - Philosophy of the Good Life
    • POR 120 - Introduction to the Portuguese-Speaking World
    • POR 371 - Gender and Society in Brazilian Cinema
    • PSC 151 - Introduction to Comparative Politics
    • PSC 161 - Introduction to International Relations
    • PSC 284 - Model United Nations**
    • PSC 384 - International Law and Organization
    • PSC 385 - Politics of Global Climate Change
    • REL 201 - Introduction to Religious Studies
    • SOA 101 - Introduction to Sociology*
    • SOA 111 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology*
    • SUS 101 - Principles of Sustainability*
    • WGS 349 - Gender and Sexuality in Bollywood Films
    • WGS 369 - Global Women's Health Politics and Activism

5. The Educated and Engaged Citizen: Integrating the UMassD Experience

  1. Capstone Study (3 credits)
    • ACT 411 - Federal Taxation**
    • AED 411 - Practicum/Seminar: Elementary School
    • AED 412 - Practicum/Seminar: Secondary School
    • AED 414 - Art Education Capstone Internship
    • ARH 445 - Art History Senior Seminar
    • AXD 428 - The Refined Portfolio
    • AXD 407 - Studio Arts Capstone** (formerly FIA 401 - Senior Capstone)
    • AXD 414 - Illustration: Portfolio and the Profession (formerly DES 422 - Illustration VI)
    • AXD 448 - Animation + Game Arts Capstone** (formerly DES 484 - Digital Media VI)
    • AXD 452 - Capstone in Graphic Design (formerly DES 452 - Graphic Design VI)
    • AXD 482 - Photography Capstone (formerly DES 482 - Photography VI)
    • BIO 499 - Capstone Research**
    • CEN 491 - Civil Engineering Project**
    • CHM 499 - Capstone in Chemistry**
    • CIS 499 - Senior Software Engineering Project II**
    • CJS 400 - Contemporary Topics in Justice
    • ECE 458 - Design Project II
    • ECO 475 - Healthcare Services Administration and Management**
    • ECO 492 - Senior Seminar
    • ECO 498 - Honors Thesis
    • EGR 498 - Bioengineering Capstone Design II
    • ENL 400 - Seminar in American Literature
    • ENL 415 - Seminar in British Literature
    • ENL 425 - Seminar in Comparative Literature
    • ENL 440 - Seminar in a Literary Topic or Theme
    • ENL 451 - Advanced Fiction Workshop
    • ENL 453 - Advanced Writing Workshop
    • ENL 460 - Seminar in Genre Studies
    • ENL 490 - Capstone in Communication
    • FIN 485 - Seminar in Finance**
    • HLT 420 - Health and Society Capstone
    • HST 401 - Seminar: American History
    • HST 402 - Seminar: European History
    • HST 403 - Seminar: World History
    • IAD 450 - Interior Architecture + Design Thesis 
    • LAR 401 - Seminar in Multidisciplinary Studies
    • MGT 401 - Applied Organizational and Career Development
    • MGT 471 - Small Business Strategy**
    • MKT 441 - Marketing Management
    • MIS 462 - Advanced Business Information Systems Project**
    • MLS 450 - Senior Seminar**
    • MNE 498 - Senior Design Capstone II**
    • MTH 421 - Complex Analysis
    • MTH 451 - Differential Geometry
    • MTH 475 - Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
    • MTH 487 - Mathematical Inquiry I
    • MUS 485-486 - Senior Music Capstone
    • NUR 409 - Leadership in Nursing**
    • NUR 455 - Experiential Learning Senior Mentorship
    • PAD 498 - Capstone Seminar in Public Administration
    • PHL 409 - Seminar
    • PHY 430 - Methods and Strategies for Physics Teachers**
    • PHY 480 - Undergraduate Research**
    • PHY 490 - Senior Thesis**
    • PHY 495 - Independent Study**
    • POM 446 - Process Management**
    • POR 481 - Capstone Seminar in Portuguese
    • PSC 400 - Seminar in American Politics and Policy (formerly PSC 498)
    • PSC 450 - Seminar in Comparative Politics (formerly PSC 498)
    • PSC 471 - Seminar in Political Theory (formerly PSC 498)
    • PSC 477 - Seminar in International Relations (formerly PSC 498)
    • PSC 498 - Capstone in Political Science
    • PSY 451 - Child Clinical Methods (formerly PSY 420)
    • PSY 452 - Health Psychology (formerly PSY 423)
    • PSY 453 - Young Adult Health Risk Behaviors (formerly PSY 430)
    • PSY 454 - Contemporary Development in the Self and New Media (formerly PSY 435)
    • PSY 457 - Ethics in Psychological Science
    • PSY 458 - Affective Neuroscience (formerly PSY 442)
    • PSY 459 - Positive Psychology (formerly PSY 445)
    • PSY 460 - Psychology of Individual Differences
    • PSY 470 - Women's Health
    • PSY 472 - Moral Psychology
    • PSY 475 - Cognitive Health and Changes with Age
    • PSY 477 - The World of the Psychopath
    • PSY 478 - Emotion
    • SOA 420 - Capstone Study
    • SOA 492 - Thesis Research I
    • SPA 498 - Capstone Seminar in Spanish
    • WGS 499 - Women's and Gender Studies Capstone**
  2. Learning Through Engagement (variable credit) 
    • ACT 411 - Federal Taxation**
    • AED 410/510 - Curriculum Design
    • ARH 445 - Art History Senior Seminar**
    • AXD 313 - Posters, Comics, and the Illustration Marketplace (formerly DES 321 - Illustration III)
    • AXD 393 - Sustainable Textiles
    • AXD 407 - Studio Arts Capstone** (formerly FIA 401 - Senior Capstone)
    • AXD 448 - Animation + Game Arts Capstone** (formerly DES 484 - Digital Media VI)
    • AXD 451 - Graphic Design: Community Engagement (formerly DES 451 - Graphic Design 5)
    • AXD 481 - Senior Photography Projects (formerly DES 481 - Photography 5)
    • BIO 499 - Capstone Research**
    • CEN 491 - Civil Engineering Project**
    • CHM 499 - Capstone in Chemistry**
    • CIS 499 - Senior Software Engineering Project II**
    • CJS 450 - Crime & Justice Studies Internship
    • ECE 457 - Design Project I
    • ECO 298 - Experience Program
    • ECO 320 - Economics Internship
    • ECO 475 - Healthcare Services Administration and Management**
    • EGR 497 - Bioengineering Capstone Design I
    • ENL 262 - Journalism I**
    • ENL 298 - Experience Program
    • ENL 359 - Tutoring Writing
    • ENL 341 - Copywriting
    • ENL 363 - Topics in Journalism
    • ENL 364 - Feature and Article Writing
    • ENL 397 - Internship
    • FIN 485 - Seminar in Finance**
    • HLT 450 - Health and Society Internship
    • HST 201 - Critical Skills for the History Major**
    • HST 298 - Experience Program (History Internship)
    • HST 392 - Public History in America
    • IAD 400 - Interior Architecture + Design Internship 
    • LAR 401 - Seminar in Multidisciplinary Studies**
    • LCE 200 - Introduction to Leadership and Civic Engagement**
    • MGT 401 - Applied Organizational and Career Development**
    • MGT 471 - Small Business Strategy**
    • MIS 462 - Advanced Business Information Systems Project**
    • MKT 441 - Marketing Management**
    • MLS 450 - Senior Seminar**
    • MNE 498 - Senior Design Capstone II**
    • MTH 440 - Mathematical and Computational Consulting
    • MTH 465 - Small World Networks (formerly MTH 461)
    • MTH 488 - Mathematical Inquiry II
    • MUS 168/368 - Social Justice Choir
    • MUS 304 - Conductor and Educator**
    • NUR 331 - Experiential Learning: Community Health Nursing
    • NUR 356 - Concepts of Learning through Engagement
    • NUR 409 - Leadership in Nursing**
    • PHL 298 - Engaged Philosophy
    • PHY 430 - Methods and Strategies for Physics Teachers**
    • PHY 480 - Undergraduate Research**
    • PHY 490 - Senior Thesis**
    • PHY 495 - Independent Study**
    • POM 446 - Process Management**
    • POR 399 - Portuguese Internship
    • PSC 284 - Model United Nations (5B credit with attendance at Model UN conference)**
    • PSC 305 - Political Science Internship
    • PSY 38X - Research Methods Lab
    • SOA 450 - Sociology/Anthropology Internship
    • SOA 493 - Thesis Research II
    • SPA 305 - Business Spanish
    • SPA 306 - Medical Spanish
    • SEMESTER IN THE CITY - this experience satisfies 5B
    • STUDY ABROAD - any study abroad experience satisfies 5B
    • WGS 312 - Feminist Research Methods
    • WGS 304 - Fourth Wave Feminism
    • WGS 399 - Women and Gender Studies Internship
    • WGS 499 - Women's and Gender Studies Capstone**

These are courses that remain approved for UStudies credit, but are not currently being offered to students for various reasons.  When a course on hiatus will be offered again, it will be moved back to the Approved Courses list.



  • PSY 450 - Evolutionary Psychology

The following courses had been approved to meet University Studies requirements but have been retired.  Students who completed these courses after they were approved and prior to their retirement can use those courses to meet UStudies requirements.  Please note that COIN should properly track these enrollments and should indicate that a UStudies requirement has been met if the student completed the course when it was still active.  If you believe COIN is not accurately providing credit for a retired course, please contact the Registrar.


  • MUS 304 - Conductor & Educator** (through fall 2019)


  • NUR 106 - Introduction to Professional Nursing (through Fall 2020)


  • BIO 112 - The Ocean Environment (through Fall 2017 only)
  • PHY 251 - Intermediate Astrophysics* (through Fall 2017 only)


  • BIO 314 - General Ecology (through Fall 2017 only)
  • BIO 437 - Evolutionary Biology (through Fall 2017 only)
  • PHY 251 - Intermediate Astrophysics* (through Fall 2017 only)


  • ENL 202 - American Authors (through Fall 2017 only)
  • ENL 203 - Survey of World Literature I (through Fall 2017 only)
  • ENL 204 - Survey of World Literature II (through Fall 2017 only)
  • ENL 205 - Travel Literature (through Fall 2017 only)
  • ENL 212 - Introduction to Shakespeare (through Fall 2017 only)
  • ENL 216 - Comedy and Satire (through Fall 2017 only)
  • ENL 246 - Women Writers (through Fall 2017 only)


  • ARH 333 - History of Social Practice (through Spring 2021 only)
  • AXD 225 - Textiles Boot Camp (through Spring 2021 only)
  • AXD 226 - Woven Cloth (through Spring 2021 only)
  • AXD 228 - Mastering Repeat Patterns (through Spring 2021 only)
  • MUS 107 - Fundamentals of Theory (through Fall 2017 only)
  • AXD 231 - Wheelthrowing (through Spring 2021 only)
  • MUS 171 - Music Theory I (through Fall 2017 only)
  • MUS 470 - International Music and Song of Africa (through Spring 2021 only)
  • MUS 471 - African Dance and Song (through Spring 2021 only)
  • MUS 473 - Music in World Cultures II (through Spring 2021 only)


  • EDU 452 - Sheltered English Immersion (through Fall 2018 only)
  • ARH 331 - Social Practice and Social Action: A Global Art History (through the end of fall 2022)
  • HON 101 - Scholarship in Community** (through the end of fall 2022)
  • LCE 200 - Introduction to Leadership and Civic Engagement** (through the end of fall 2022)
  • PSC 351 - Modern Political Thought (through the end of fall 2022)
  • PSC 352 - Classical Political Thought (through the end of fall 2022)
  • PSC 354 - Contemporary Political Thought (through the end of fall 2022)
  • WGS/HST 368 - History of Feminist Thought (through the end of fall 2022)


  • WGS 202 - Women's Health and Environment (through Fall 2018 only)
  • POL 102 - Introduction to Policy Studies (through the end of fall 2022)
  • ENL 372 - Writing About Popular Culture (through the end of fall 2022) 
  • HON 301 - Honors Research Across Disciplines* (through Spring 2023 only)


  • HON 301 - Honors Research Across Disciplines* (through Spring 2023 only)
  • IST 151 - Introduction to Indian Civilization (through Fall 2018 only)
  • MGT 120 - Green Entrepreneurship (through Fall 2018 only)
  • PHL 230 - Global Philosophies (through Fall 2018 only)
  • WGS 213 - Sex Workers, Nannies and Maids (through Fall 2018 only)
  • WGS 352 - Disposable Women (through Fall 2018 only)
  • WGS 369 - Global Women's Health Politics and Activism (through Fall 2018 only)
  • PSC 272 - Politics of Drone Warfare (through the end of fall 2022)
  • AXD 305 - History of Craft I (formerly ATR 380)
  • AXD 306 - History of Craft II (formerly ATR 381)
  • POR 220 – Introduction to Linguistics and European Languages (through the end of fall 2022) 


  • ECO 441 - Public Economics I** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • ECO 445 - Economics of Education** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • ECO 461 - Urban Economics** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • PHY 419 - Advanced Traffic Engineering** (through Spring 2021 only)


  • ECO 441 - Public Economics I** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • ECO 445 - Economics of Education** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • ECO 461 - Urban Economics** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • ECO 475 - Healthcare Services Administration and Management** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • PHY 419 - Advanced Traffic Engineering** (through Spring 2021 only)
  • PSY 420 - Child Clinical Psychology (approved for 2015-2016 only)
  • PSY 470 - Women's Health (approved for 2015-2016 only)

* "Flexible" courses,  which are approved for use in more than one cluster requirement, but may only be used for one cluster (no double counting).

** "Compound" courses, which simultaneously fulfill the requirements in more than one cluster requirement (allows double counting).

Current Undergraduate Catalog

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