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Chronic Health Condition

Students with documented medical conditions with exacerbations and remissions that may result in unexpected absences from class during the semester can request an accommodation pertaining to Chronic Health Conditions. The student would generally be excused for up to three absences. At this time, the professor may request a meeting with the student to discuss the issue of the student meeting class requirements or, perhaps, if it would be in the student’s best interest to withdraw, take a medical leave of absence, or an incomplete in the course.

It is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her professor regarding absences and obtain any information on missed course work, course requirements, or special announcements.  

Note: This Chronic Health Condition Form does not exempt students from completing the required work assigned.  If a student misses multiple classes or assignments, CAS cannot excuse the student from normal class requirements. The student will have to discuss these issues with his/her professor. It also does not excuse students for more than three absences. Tardiness is not an accommodation that CAS can mandate.

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