Maureen Hall


Maureen Hall, PhD she/her/hers



Curriculum Vitae





Liberal Arts 398C


University of VirginiaPhD
University of VirginiaMA
University of Massachusetts AmherstBA


  • Literacies and Deep Reading
  • Contemplative Practice and Contemplative Pedagogy
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Place-Based Learning
  • Foundations of Education





Critical examination of the field of education from multiple perspectives. This course provides a means for students to critically examine what it means to be a teacher beyond knowing their area's content to engage creative, humanistic, philosophical, and aesthetic tenets of teaching. Outside speakers and experiential learning will provide opportunities integral to a broader understanding of the field of education.

Exploration and development of both theoretical and pedagogical frameworks for engaging crucial social, cultural, and political issues related to education in local and national contexts. The course explores how dimensions of race, sex/gender and sexuality, ability, and class operate in/through schooling both at a structural level as well as at the level of classroom practice. Emphasis will be placed on issues relevant to the SouthCoast region, including urban contexts, and the diverse educational needs of this region.


Research activities

  • Grant from Mind and Life Institute: The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Social Integration and Well-Being in First-Semester College Students. PI: Dr. Aminda O’Hare, Psychology Department. CO- PIs: Dr. Maureen P. Hall; Dr. Brian Ayotte, Psychology Department, Dr. Elizabeth Lehr, English Department. Agency: Mind and Life 1440 Award. Period: September 2016- May 2017. Requested: $15,000.00. Status: Funded. Submitted, February 8, 2016. Awarded: May 5, 2016.


Research interests

  • Contemplative Practice and Pedagogies
  • Deep Reading and Lectio Divina
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Place-Based Learning
  • Mindfulness in Education

Select publications

See curriculum vitae for more publications

  • Hall. M. P. and Brault, A. K. (2021).
    Academia from the Inside: Pedagogies for self and other

  • Hall, M.P. & Lynch, M.E. (2022).
    Surviving and thriving in an interconnected world: Global Citizenship Education and the Sustainable Development Goals
    EBSCO Pathways to Research.
  • Dalton, J.E., Hall, M. P., & Hoyser, C.E. (2021).
    Lectio divina: A contemplative pedagogy for promoting embodied and creative learning in higher education classrooms
    The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry

Dr. Hall holds a PhD in English Education from the University of Virginia. In 2003, she joined the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She was originally in the Education Department, then the Teaching and Learning Department, and, since 2013, she has been a member of the STEM Education and Teacher Development Department. She has taught a range of courses including Psychological and Social Foundations of Education, Critical Literacies, Critical Issues, and has also supervised practicum experiences for students. Her research focuses on the intersections between and among literacies, mindfulness, Holistic Education, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL); she has published more than 19 articles in peer-reviewed journals and her books include Transforming Literacy: Changing Lives through Reading and Writing (Emerald Publishing, 2011) and The Whole Person: Embodying Teaching and Learning through Lectio and Visio Divina (Rowman & Littlefield) with Jane Dalton and Catherine Hoyser.

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