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Planning a Course Abroad

Faculty-led Program Proposal Procedures

View a video recording of a workshop offered by UMass Boston and Dartmouth on Faculty-led courses abroad!

Study Abroad Providers

UMass Dartmouth expects all Faculty-led Study Abroad programs to be organized in conjunction with a professional study abroad provider. Benefits include:


  • faculty leader is relieved of the a large portion of the logistical and administrative tasks
  • provider subcontracts all suppliers and manages supplier payments and accounting, producing a single Master Bill
  • liability responsibilities and insurance are born by the provider
  • most promotional support to assist with the recruitment function

Each organization has an entry point online.  The proposer enters program parameters and contact information and can expect some correspondence with the provider, then a fully developed proposal.  The Faculty Leader then uses that per student price in the UMass Dartmouth proposal and attaches the provider document as an addendum to the UMassD proposal.  

Other study abroad providers may be approved upon request.  For required services, see the attached Definition of Third Party Provider Capabilities.

Study Abroad programs utilize group travel services of the designated UMass travel agencies.

All out of pocket costs of the faculty leader are eligible for reimbursement. These should be carefully estimated at time of establishing the budget to ensure that the set student price will cover anticipated expenses.  As per standard campus procedure, the faculty leader must file a Peoplesoft travel authorization with the academic department in advance of travel and promptly file an expense report upon return.  The IPO can provide a speedtype to enter for program-related expenses (remember to notify IPO after expense report is filled so those items can be approved in Peoplesoft.)

Faculty leader instruction costs are included (except where taught on-load – recommended for lowest cost to student.)  Any additional stipend requests must be arranged between the College and the faculty member and are not to be charged back to the participants.

Step-by-step instructions for the proposal are below. The formal approval process includes:

  • Full review by the UMass Dartmouth International Advisory Council
  • IAC recommendation to the Provost for approval

The International Advisory Council is chaired by the Vice Provost and Associate Provost for Graduate Studies. Each College/School is represented by at least one faculty member. One representative is from the Dean’s Council. Other representatives are drawn from Student Affairs, Risk Management, International Students & Scholars Center, International Programs Office, Export Control.

Proposal Process

Leadership of faculty is fundamental to internationalization of the curriculum and the educational preparation of students for a changing world.  Faculty are encouraged to consider introducing a course or course component abroad that will engage student curiosity in a new way and provide one means for students to fulfill the University Studies requirements.  (See full Faculty-led Study Abroad Proposal Process under Resources)  NOTE: Design of any faculty-led credit-bearing study abroad course may concurrently fulfill students' US cluster 5b requirements.  For details, see: Faculty-led and US 5b

UMass Dartmouth strives to provide a safe and stimulating environment for all students.  To that end, all proposed courses abroad will be reviewed by the International Programs Office and members of the International Advisory Council prior to final recommendation to the Provost.  The Faculty leader and Department Chair will be asked to present the proposal and answer questions of the committee.  Early in the planning stage, you should check to see if the destination country is listed on the US State Department Travel Warning/Alert list and take into account the federal guidance attached. Note that activities in these countries require additional scrutiny from university administration and extra planning time should be allowed.

1) A Faculty-led Study Abroad Proposal Development Request is submitted to the Dept. chair and Dean prior to approaching the International Programs Office.  Signatures indicate an intention of the Department to offer and promote the program, an expectation of interest among majors in the academic department.  REPEAT PROGRAMS use the shortened Faculty-led Repeat Program Proposal Approval.

2) Target date for initiating a program request is 12 months prior to operation.  Full proposal development will be required prior to final review and approval.

3) Call for Proposals (open until the following dates of the year preceding the program dates):

  • Fall - February 5
  • Winter/Spring - April 1
  • Summer - September 10

Repeat study abroad program proposals for Winter break or Spring semester can be accepted until July 1, and Summer/Fall semester proposals until November 1. Programs that have received Provost approval prior to the start of the semester are invited to participate in IPO's study abroad information fair each semester.

4) Faculty leaders acknowledge responsibility for logistical coordination, financial arrangements, student advising and support, recruitment as well as course development and instruction. UMass Dartmouth supports employing a professional study abroad provider organization to coordinate these functions, provide a backup support network and enable the faculty leader to focus on robust content delivery.

5) All proposals will be reviewed with reference to expectations of UMD's membership in NEASC and Forum on Education Abroad.

6) The faculty leader and Dept. Chair will present the proposal and answer questions.

7) Review and approval of faculty-led programs is on an annual basis.  Final Study Abroad Proposal Final Approval will require signatures of the IPO, Dept. Chair, Dean and Provost.

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