Policies Under Consideration
Policy Proposals for Official Consideration:
All university wide policy proposals in the development stage seeking official approval will be displayed on this page of the website. Policy Proposals will be posted for 30 days, unless additional time is approved.
Any individual (including Deans, Chairs, Center Directors, etc.), group, or campus unit at UMass Dartmouth can provide additional input, comments, data or suggestions regarding the Policy Proposal. Your comments or questions will be recorded and forwarded to the appropriate Vice Chancellor and the Chief Financial Officer/Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance for review. Comments from the various campus units from whom the CFO/VCBF has solicited input will also be recorded and forwarded to the proponent Vice Chancellor for review and possible incorporation.
We request that all feedback including any supporting documents for policy proposals be submitted in electronic format. Feedback, comments, or input may be sent to esherrycozzone@umassd.edu for forwarding to the appropriate person.
Policy on Course Buy-Outs
Review the Policy on Course Buy-outs (Clean Version)
Review the Policy on Course Buy-outs (Track Change Version)
Submit feedback for the Policy on Course Buy-outs
Please submit all feedback by October 7, 2024. The submitting Department will review feedback before submitting the policy to the Chancellor for final approval.