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Parent Advisory Council


  1. To develop and promote a strong unity between students, and the Upward Bound Program.
  2. To improve communications and understanding between Upward Bound staff and the students it serves, and to provide the staff with an avenue through which issues involving the total program can be discussed.
  3. To raise funds for providing essentials or extras no longer provided in the tax base, or special programs or projects initiated by the Parent Advisory Council (PAC).
  4. To encourage parent and community participation in program related activities.


  1. The PAC shall not become a policy making body or advise the Upward Bound administration. It is assumed, however, that through improved communication and understanding the program administration will be in a position to reflect the demonstrated needs and desires of the PAC membership.
  2. The PAC shall operate with the cooperation of the program staff and within the policies and procedures of the Upward Bound Program.
  3. Matters for consideration by the PAC may be initiated by request of the program administration or members of the council itself.
  4. The PAC shall be non-sectarian, non-commercial and politically non-partisan.


  1. Advise the program staff on matters related to educational needs and problems, and suggest priorities that involve the program as a whole.
  2. Advise the program administration regarding opinions, attitudes, or significant issues of the council, parents, or the students.
  3. Assist in establishing and strengthening communication between the program and community by providing a forum for discussion.
  4. Consider requests presented by program staff for special programs or projects.
  5. Review and amend as needed the bylaws and internal operating policies and procedures.


  1. Membership shall be open to parents or guardians of students participating in the Upward Bound Program and staff members.
  2. Voting privileges will be restricted to parents or guardians of students whose dues are paid.
  3. A membership roster will be maintained.


  1. Officers of this PAC shall be a president, first vice president-volunteer coordinator, secretary, treasurer, auditor, District Advisory Council (DAC) representative, and parliamentarian. These officers shall be elected annually with the exception of the parliamentarian, who shall be appointed by the president. These officers are deemed the PAC Executive Board.
  2. All officers must be voting members of the PAC.
  3. The first vice president-volunteer coordinator shall form a non partial nominating committee, which shall report recommendations for office at the annual March meeting.
  4. At the annual election meeting in _________, additional nominations may be made from the floor.
  5. Elections shall be held by ballot at the annual election meeting in ________. If there is but one nominee for any office, the ballot for that office may be dispensed with and the election held by voice vote.
  6. Officers shall serve for a term of one year. No officer shall be eligible to hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms or hold more than one elected office. Officers shall assume their duties on June 1.
  7. The president shall appoint persons to fill offices not filled by election or which become vacant. Appointments shall be confirmed by vote at the next meeting of the general membership.


  1. Duties of the president: To preside at all meeting of the PAC and assure that the meetings are conducted in a timely manner. To prepare an agenda prior to each meeting. To make contact with individuals or organizations wherever necessary to carry out the programs and aims of the PAC. To preside over the PAC Executive Board.
  2. Duties of the first vice president-volunteer coordinator: To work with staff and administrators to supply volunteers for various jobs throughout the program year. To maintain a list of volunteers which is current and available to any committee that desires the help of volunteers. To form the nominating committee.
  3. Duties of secretary: To take minutes of all meetings and have them prepared in a legible form to be presented at the following meeting or when called upon by the president. Take minutes at PAC Executive Board meetings for presentation at the following general membership meeting. To maintain records of general membership. To handle PAC correspondence.
  4. Duties of treasurer: Provide financial support to all PAC committees. Present PAC financial reports at meetings of the general membership or as otherwise requested by PAC officers or committee chairpersons.
  5. Duties of the parliamentarian: Shall attend all meeting of the general membership and the Executive Board and give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested. Shall chair the bylaws committee to review bylaws and internal operating policies and procedures.
  6. Reports shall be compiled annually by all officers and submitted to incoming officers.


  1. The members of the Executive Board shall be: president, first vice president-volunteer coordinator, secretary, treasurer, auditor, and parliamentarian.
  2. The Executive Board, committee chairpersons, and other interested members will convene in June to set goals and establish the budget for the coming program year. The goals and budget will he presented for approval at the first general membership meeting of the program year in September.


  1. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president. Committees shall be: Hospitality, Fund Raising, Scholarship, and Disaster Preparedness (during summer session).
  2. Committee members will be volunteers from the general membership.
  3. Other committees may be formed as the need arises or as projects are presented to the membership.
  4. Reports shall be compiled by all committee chairpersons and submitted to incoming committee chairpersons.


  1. Regular meetings shall be held in September, November, January, March, and May with the time and date to be decided by the Executive Board.
  2. Special meetings may be called by the president and/or principal.
  3. At the regular meeting in May, the nominating committee shall report recommendations for office. The regular meeting in May shall be the annual election meeting at which time officers shall be elected.
  4. All meetings shall be conducted according to the agenda and with due accord for proper parliamentary procedure. If necessary, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised will be invoked by the Parliamentarian to bring order.


  1. The PAC bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of those attending a meeting of the general membership.
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