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Mohammad Karim


Mohammad Karim, PhD


Electrical & Computer Engineering




Science & Engineering 214A


1981University of AlabamaPhD in Electrical Engineering
1979University of AlabamaMS in Electrical Engineering
1978University of AlabamaMS in Physics
1976University of Dacca, BangladeshBS Honors in physics





The first course covering basic theory of circuit analysis. The goals of this course include developing an ability to solve engineering problems and to design, implement and test circuits to meet design specifications. Topics include network theorems, review of techniques to solve simultaneous equations, nodal and mesh circuit analysis, dependent sources, Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent circuits, solution of first and second order networks to switched DC inputs, and natural responses. Group classroom and project activities require design, simulation, implementation and measurement of practical circuits. Written reports of project results are required.

The first course covering basic theory of circuit analysis. The goals of this course include developing an ability to solve engineering problems and to design, implement and test circuits to meet design specifications. Topics include network theorems, review of techniques to solve simultaneous equations, nodal and mesh circuit analysis, dependent sources, Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent circuits, solution of first and second order networks to switched DC inputs, and natural responses. Group classroom and project activities require design, simulation, implementation and measurement of practical circuits. Written reports of project results are required.

The second course in basic circuit theory and design. Topics include AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, balanced 3-phase systems, and power and energy computations, applications of Laplace transforms to solutions of switched circuits and differential equations with initial conditions, stability, poles/zeros, Fourier transform, frequency response, Bode plots, network analysis, and equivalent circuits. Students are introduced to graphical convolution and Fourier series. Group classroom and project activities require design, implementation and measurement of filters and other circuits to meet design specifications.

The second course in basic circuit theory and design. Topics include AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, balanced 3-phase systems, and power and energy computations, applications of Laplace transforms to solutions of switched circuits and differential equations with initial conditions, stability, poles/zeros, Fourier transform, frequency response, Bode plots, network analysis, and equivalent circuits. Students are introduced to graphical convolution and Fourier series. Group classroom and project activities require design, implementation and measurement of filters and other circuits to meet design specifications.

The second course in basic circuit theory and design. Topics include AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, balanced 3-phase systems, and power and energy computations, applications of Laplace transforms to solutions of switched circuits and differential equations with initial conditions, stability, poles/zeros, Fourier transform, frequency response, Bode plots, network analysis, and equivalent circuits. Students are introduced to graphical convolution and Fourier series. Group classroom and project activities require design, implementation and measurement of filters and other circuits to meet design specifications.

The second course in basic circuit theory and design. Topics include AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, balanced 3-phase systems, and power and energy computations, applications of Laplace transforms to solutions of switched circuits and differential equations with initial conditions, stability, poles/zeros, Fourier transform, frequency response, Bode plots, network analysis, and equivalent circuits. Students are introduced to graphical convolution and Fourier series. Group classroom and project activities require design, implementation and measurement of filters and other circuits to meet design specifications.

The second course in basic circuit theory and design. Topics include AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, balanced 3-phase systems, and power and energy computations, applications of Laplace transforms to solutions of switched circuits and differential equations with initial conditions, stability, poles/zeros, Fourier transform, frequency response, Bode plots, network analysis, and equivalent circuits. Students are introduced to graphical convolution and Fourier series. Group classroom and project activities require design, implementation and measurement of filters and other circuits to meet design specifications.

The second course in basic circuit theory and design. Topics include AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors and ideal transformers, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, balanced 3-phase systems, and power and energy computations, applications of Laplace transforms to solutions of switched circuits and differential equations with initial conditions, stability, poles/zeros, Fourier transform, frequency response, Bode plots, network analysis, and equivalent circuits. Students are introduced to graphical convolution and Fourier series. Group classroom and project activities require design, implementation and measurement of filters and other circuits to meet design specifications.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature intended to develop design techniques, research techniques, initiative and independent inquiry. A written project report has to be completed by the student and approved by the student's advisor. Admission is based on a formal proposal endorsed by an advisor and approved by the ECE Graduate Program Director.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature, intended to develop design techniques,research techniques, initiative, and independent inquiry. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Completion of the course requires a successful oral defense open to the public and a written thesis approved by the student's thesis committee unanimously and the ECE Graduate Program Director. Admission to the course is based on a formal thesis proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the ECE Graduate Program Director.

Mohammad A. Karim is the former Provost, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Chief Operating Officer at UMass Dartmouth.

Previously, he served as the first Vice President of Research of the Old Dominion University in Virginia (2004-2013), Dean of Engineering at the City College of New York (2000-2004), Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee (1998-2000), and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1994-1998) and Founding Director of Electro-Optics (1990-1998) at the University of Dayton in Ohio.

He is an elected fellow of the Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IEEE), Optical Society of America (OSA), the Society of Photo-Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), the Institute of Physics, the Institution of Engineering & Technology, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), and the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Karim is author/editor of 19 text and reference books, over 365 research papers, 13 book chapters, 3 US patents, and of numerous technical reports. Dr. Karim served as guest editor of 36 journal special issues and as research mentor for over 55 MS/PhD students. He is Editor of Optics and Laser Technology, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Education, and a member of the Editorial Board of Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.

Dr. Karim's areas of research encompass optical computing, information processing, pattern/target recognition, night vision, displays, electro-optical systems, and sensors. The list of his research sponsors include Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, US Air Force, Naval Research Laboratory, US Army, NASA, US Department of Education, Ohio Aerospace Institute, US Department of Defense, and Avionics Laboratory of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Mohammad Karim received his BS Honors degree in physics from the University of Dacca, Bangladesh, in 1976, and MS in physics, MS in electrical engineering, and PhD. in electrical engineering degrees from the University of Alabama respectively in 1978, 1979, and 1981.

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