Renuka Rajapakse, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
Science & Engineering 203E
2011 | University of Connecticut | PhD |
2005 | University of Connecticut | MS |
1999 | University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka | BSc |
- Mathematical Methods
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Mechanics
- Quantum Optics
Seminar on fundamental topics and new discoveries in physics. Also an introduction to the physics major program and faculty research.
Seminar on fundamental topics and new discoveries in physics. Also an introduction to the physics major program and faculty research.
Development of the mathematical tools useful in physics. Vector calculus, linear algebra, matrices, operators, orthogonal functions.
Continuation of PHY 411. Development of the wave equation. Electro-magnetic waves in space and in matter. Study of radiation from time varying charge and current distributions.
Individual work under the supervision of a faculty member on an experimental, theoretical, or literature review project in physics. This work may lead to a senior thesis project or may be concluded by a written report at the end of the term. May be repeated for up to a maximum of 6 credits toward degree.
Study of simple radiating systems, scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves, radiation by moving charges, special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, covariant formulation of Maxwell's equations, relativistic particle dynamics, scattering of charged particles, radiation damping and self-fields of a charged particle.
Research activities
- Research Scientist, University of Connecticut
Research awards
- $ 231,213 awarded by Office of Naval Research for UMassD MUST III: Quantum Computing and Control in Noisy Environments
Research interests
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Computation
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Computational Physics
Select publications
- J. Javanainen, R. Rajapakse (2019).
Light propagation in systems involving two-dimensional atomic lattices
Physical Review A, 100, 013616. - J. Javanainen, R. Rajapakse (2015).
Bayesian inference to characterize Josephson oscillations in a double-well trap
Physical Review A, 92, 023613. - R. Rajapakse, T. Bragdon, A.M. Rey, S.F. Yelin (2009).
Single photon nonlinearities and optical quantum computing using ensembles of polar molecules
Physical Review A, 80, 013810.
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Mentioned in
- Mar 25, 2024 McCord Murray '24: The science of math