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Tracie Ferreira


Tracie Ferreira, PhD

Professor / Chairperson





Textiles 218


1996Georgetown UniversityPhD in Microbiology
1990Wheaton CollegeBA in Biology/Chemistry


  • BNG 424/524- Human Organogenesis
  • BNG 420/520- Case Studies in Bioengineering
  • BNG 412/512- Molecular Bioengineering
  • BNG 321- Quantitative Anatomy and Physiology
  • BNG 255- Biology for Engineers





A culminating experience in which the student synthesizes his/her course knowledge and experimental skills into a brief but detailed experimental study, which also involves cross-field interdisciplinary cooperation. Although in some cases this project may be done individually under the supervision of one faculty member, it is expected that students will join in a team-based, collaborative effort involving students from a number of different disciplines, post-doctoral fellows and industry representatives and with intercampus participation.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature. Independent Research is often work on a future dissertation undertaken before the student has satisfied the qualification steps for BMB 720. With approval of student's graduate committee, up to 15 credits of BMB 630 may be applied to the 30-credit requirement for dissertation research.

An overview of important areas of bioengineering with a focus on how design can benefit all biological systems spanning from the environment and our planet, to the humans that populate the planet. Topics include how chemistry can help improve energy sources and help decrease the effect of human activities on the environment, how engineering design can improve the health and well being of humans and how government agencies work to regulate these activities in the U.S.

An overview of important areas of bioengineering with a focus on how design can benefit all biological systems spanning from the environment and our planet, to the humans that populate the planet. Topics include how chemistry can help improve energy sources and help decrease the effect of human activities on the environment, how engineering design can improve the health and well being of humans and how government agencies work to regulate these activities in the U.S.

Provision of an understanding of how molecules drive function in biological systems. Students will become proficient in cell biology and integrate that knowledge with the chemical nature of molecules. The students will utilize mathematics, science and engineering concepts to study how biological molecules interact. Examples of current day advances and discoveries will highlight contemporary issues facing the field of bioengineering and how the field has addressed those challenges.

Basic ethics of biomedical research.  Students will learn the importance of maintaining integrity in their research and product development.  Federal online ethics training resources will be utilized to train students in several topics. Contemporary issues in Biomedical engineering ethics will be presented for class discussions, as well as inviting experts with experience in ethical challenges in Biomedical Engineering. These issues include research integrity, professional ethics, human subjects protections, animal protections , intellectual property rights/software patent issues and engineering ethics and sustainability. 

Provision of an understanding of how molecules drive function in biological systems. Students will become proficient in cell biology and integrate that knowledge with the chemical nature of molecules. The students will utilize mathematics, science and engineering concepts to study how biological molecules interact. Examples of current day advances and discoveries will highlight contemporary issues facing the field of bioengineering and how the field has addressed those challenges.

Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area covered in a regular course not currently being offered. Conditions and hours to be arranged.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Research analysis and discussion of important developments in Bioengineering. The cases will be selected from a variety of sources-seminal legal cases, patents and inventions.

Research analysis and discussion of important developments in Bioengineering. The cases will be selected from a variety of sources-seminal legal cases, patents and inventions.


Research awards

  • $ 737,449 awarded by MASSACHUSETTS LIFE SCIENCES CENTER for SouthCoast Biomanufacturing Training Program
  • $ 125,952.40 awarded by MASSACHUSETTS LIFE SCIENCES CENTER for MLSC High School Apprenticeship Challenge 2024
  • $ 64,000 awarded by Paramount Planet Product, LLC | NSF for SBIR Phase II: Cellulose Based Material Innovations for Ocean Compostable Fish Friendly Plastic
  • $ 375,000 awarded by Massachusetts Life Sciences Center for Bioreactor Lab
  • $ 72,226 awarded by Massachusetts Life Sciences Center for MLSC Highschool Apprenticeship Challenge 2023


Research interests

  • Molecular Biology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Tissue Engineering

Biological engineering: how do we define a biological system and understand the components that drive the formation and processes of that system?  Organisms use complex pathways and signals to elicit very specific developmental outcomes as well as to regulate day to day activities. Using the zebrafish Danio rerio as a model for development we ask questions regarding the cell signals that drive development of craniofacial elements as well as the signals required for tissue regeneration in the zebrafish.  Due to the evolutionary conservation of genes and proteins between humans and lower vertebrates such as zebrafish, we can apply what we learn in this model to various goals in bioengineering.  Understanding multipotent cell types and the signals required for their differentiation generates the potential to assist in designing tissue engineering experiments.  Furthermore, understanding the characteristics of the zebrafish that allow them to regenerate fins, heart and liver tissue will help us define events that may lead to potential therapies in humans who have lost the ability to regenerate most tissues.

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