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Policy Process at UMass Dartmouth

UMass Dartmouth is governed by a set of policies and standards that define proper procedures in areas that affect faculty, staff, students, and, in some cases, others affiliated with the University, such as consultants.  

In the development of these policies a proposal must go through a process as defined in the Policy on Policies (GOV-C07-001A)

  The following flowchart is to be used as guide in understanding the development, approval and rescission process for a policy.

POLICY Development, Approval, Rescission

 Phase 1: Pre-development

Campus-wide policy issue is identified and developed into a concept paper/proposal by individual (including Deans, Chairs, Centers, Directors, etc.), group, committee or task force, Vice Chancellor, or Chancellor).

Policy proposal is submitted to appropriate Vice Chancellor for review and further action. If primary responsibility rests with the Chancellor, the policy proposal will be submitted first to the VCAF for review and further action.

   Phase II:  Development

Vice Chancellor can reject the proposal; return the proposal for further study, consideration and resubmittal; or support it with or without amendments.

Vice Chancellor submits the policy proposal (using a common format) including a written Executive Summary to the VCAF for official consideration.

VCAF distributes policy to a select group of individuals or groups for comments and reactions.  The time limit is 30 calendar days.

At the end of 30-day input period, VCAF will compile the comments received and send them to the appropriate Vice Chancellor for his/her perusal.

Vice Chancellor resubmits to VCAF the revised proposal (with or without changes) or retires the proposal.         

VCAF can support and recommend it for official consideration at other levels. VCAF submits the policy proposal to the Chancellor with recommendation. 

Chancellor reviews it and may decide to:

  • reject it,
  • approve it,
  • send it back for further consideration and study, or
  • ask that certain changes be made before resubmitting for final approval.

Once approved, VCAF will communicate, publicize and educate about the new policy, amendments to an existing policy, or derogation of an existing policy.

  • Communicate results to those needing the information.
  • Publicize information online, accessible from one location, with a common format, and with a search capability.
  • Determine training needs and implement.

Phase III:  Maintenance and Review

Keep the information current by setting a cycle for review of the approved policy.

Archive changes and date new releases with an “Effective Date.”

Measure outcomes and monitor compliance.


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