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Financial Reporting System

PeopleSoft Finance reporting

Revenue & Expense Activity Report (UMGL 7045):  Lists revenue & expense detail by category (subsidiary).  Provides budget balance available (bba).

Non-Sponsored Project Revenue & Expense Activity Report (UMGL 7047):  Lists revenue & expense detail by category (subsidiary) for non-sponsored projects (time span over multiple years).  Provides budget balance available (bba).

Revenue & Expense Detail Transaction Report (UMGL 7062):  Lists revenue, expense & budget detail transactions for a given period of time.

Open Encumbrance Report (UMGL 7079):  Lists all open encumbrances for a given time period.

Monthly Trend Report (UMGL 7100):  This report shows revenue & expense by account (object code), by month for a specific fiscal year.

Monthly Batch Reports:  Each month, A&F Administrative Systems generates a series of standardized reports used to manage the financial operations of departments, funds, and grants/projects. These reports include general information on budget balances as well as detail information on the transactions that occur each month.

Labor Distribution Report (UMPAY760):  Generated bi-weekly after each pay period and provide detailed salary information for managers. The report show salary paid-to-date amounts by employee as wells as amounts remaining to be paid through the end of the fiscal year, end of the grant or end of the employee’s appointment.

Financial Activity Report:  This ad hoc executive level report provides at-a-glance budget balance available by fund & department for a given period of time.

SUMMIT Reporting

SUMMIT is a reporting tool which runs outside of PeopleSoft Finance.  It is based upon the PeopleSoft Finance Reporting Database.  It consists of various Dashboards which are accessed based on your security.  All employees who have access to PeopleSoft Finance Reporting have access to Summit.

Ad Hoc report availability

A&F Systems supports a variety of reporting tools which enable users to extract information from the PeopleSoft HR and Finance systems on an as needed basis. These reports are often used to answer questions in a timely up-to-date manner to manage transactional activity.  Customization of new or existing reports can be accommodated as requested.

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