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ECO 298: Experience Program - spring

Prerequisite: At least Sophomore standing, GPA 2.0 or greater. Permission of the instructor, department chair, and college dean.

General Education requirement: 5B - Engagement

Work experience at an elective level supervised for academic credit by a faculty member in an appropriate academic field. Conditions and hours to be arranged ahead of time. Graded CR/NC. For specific procedures and regulations, see section of catalog on Other Learning Experiences. Credit not to be given retroactively.

14839 01 Practicum 1 6.00
Instructor: Randy Hall Class status:
Prerequisite: At least Sophomore standing, GPA 2.0 or greater. Permission of the instructor, department chair, and college dean.
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
14952 02 Practicum 1 3.00
Instructor: Neal Olitsky Class status:
Prerequisite: At least Sophomore standing, GPA 2.0 or greater. Permission of the instructor, department chair, and college dean.
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person