MGT 343: Human Resource Management - fall

Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201 Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201

The study of the formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. Students are introduced to the area of management that focuses on how to attract, hire, train, motivate, and maintain employees. The focus is on the core competency areas that will be needed to be successful managers of human resources, whether within the human resource function, some support area, as a line manager, or to set up and manage a small business.

11352 01 Lecture 30 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 10:00 AM EDT 10:50 AM EDT Dion 114
Instructor: Jennifer Pierce Class status:
Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201 Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person