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Allocation & Utilization of Campus Space

Policy Number FOC-001
Effective Date July 01, 2007
Responsible Office/Person Facilities Planning, Design and Construction
All University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMD) land, facilities and buildings belong to the University as a whole. The University has the authority and responsibility to allocate space to specific users for certain periods of time, to review these allocations periodically, to assess utilization, and to reallocate space as needed to support the University’s Academic, Strategic and Master Plans.  It is the policy of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth that all space will be allocated and utilized based on the following goals and criteria:
  • Space should be allocated equitably.
  • Space allocations are made to units, not individuals.
  • Departmental and unit allocations should be as contiguous as possible, unless interdisciplinary research, teaching or work group needs dictate otherwise.
  • Existing space allocations must be utilized as fully as possible before additional allocations are made.
  • Requests for space will be reviewed against the allocation guidelines and adjusted accordingly.
  • Requests will be reviewed according to priorities for academic programs, research, and support services as established by the Chancellor and Provost and by the Academic, Strategic and Master Plans of the University.
  • When possible, a designated use should be allocated to space that meets functional design requirements in order to minimize renovation costs, e.g., a user requiring wet lab space should not be allocated dry space in a non-lab building if wet lab space is available elsewhere.
  • The scheduling of space allocated to a unit is the right and responsibility of that unit. Space allocated and scheduled by a unit should be made available for other units when not in use (i.e., conference rooms, seminar rooms, etc.).
  • Space that becomes vacant within a college or Vice-Chancellor unit can and should be reallocated by the Dean or Vice Chancellor within that unit; however, the reallocation plan must be directly forwarded to Facilities Planning, Design and Construction for review, recommendation, and approval by the Chancellor before implementation.
  • Space specifically allocated for time-limited uses (i.e., grants) reverts to unassigned status after completion of the specified time period, and must be vacated by the user. Extensions will be considered as needed if the space remains available.

II.  Purpose

            The purpose of this policy is to ensure the effective, efficient and equitable allocation and utilization of University space resources.  The University wishes to:

  • Establish a standard format and procedure for requesting space
  • Establish space allocation and utilization standards
  • Establish a formal system for requesting, reviewing and approving space allocation and utilization

III.  Definitions

A.  Space – All University land, facilities and buildings

B.  University Space Planner – An established professional position in Facilities, Planning, Design and Construction department

C.  Implementation Manager – Project Manager assigned from either Facilities, Planning, Design and Construction or Facilities Operations

IV.  Procedures
A. Requesting Space
            Please note that the process described below can take a considerable amount of time depending on the nature of the request.  Thus, requests  should be made with as much lead time as possible. Inadequate lead times may result in an inability to meet requested timelines.

  • Department/Unit/Program completes REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF SPACE Form. Request is reviewed by Dean /Director and appropriate Vice Chancellor.
  • Request is reviewed and approved by Dean/Director  and appropriate Vice Chancellor. Approval indicates conformance to departmental strategic needs and plans.
  • Request is forwarded to the University Space Planner, who performs the following functions and analysis:

            a)  Identifies and interviews all stakeholders* (record comments)
            b)  Needs assessment
            c)  Space utilization study
            d)  Identifies space
            e)  Feasibility study
            f)  Cost analysis/implications
            g)  Scheduling
            h)  Review Option/Alternatives
            i)  Benefits analysis
            j)  Reviews compatibility with UMD Mission/Plans

      *Stakeholders in all cases shall include, but not be limited to: Department/Unit/Program representative, Dean / AVC of all departments involved, CITS Representative, Director of Facilities Operations, Director of Facilities, Planning, Design and Construction.

4)   Plan Proposal Document with recommendations will then be generated and presented to the Chancellor for review. This Document shall include:

            a)  Summary/Cover Letter
            b)  Recommendations
            c)  Sketches/plans/drawings
            d)  Schedule
            e)  Estimates
            f)  Comments from stakeholders
            g)  Project Endorsement (sign-offs)

5)  The Chancellor ensures that the unit has done a recent strategic plan and that it has been vetted within the College and University’s strategic plans.
6)  The Plan is approved by the Chancellor and all stake holders are identified.
7)  The Plan is then forwarded to an implementation manager.
8)  A procedural flow chart (hyper link) which outlines the entire space request/approval process is available on line, to assist the requester.
9)  If the newly allocated space requires renovation that will be requested through the Alteration & Renovations Program, the Alteration/Renovation request process must be followed regardless of the funding source.
B.  Requesting Space Planning Services
            1)  Purpose:  The purpose of this procedure is to organize space planning and design within campus buildings to ensure that space standards are uniformly adopted, that building code and life safety codes are uniformly met, that space is equitably assigned, that space allocations are recorded accurately on university databases, and that the university expends its building planning resources on our highest priority facility needs.

            2)  Applicability:  This procedure covers all planning affecting the construction or demolition of walls or doors; acquisition of additional space, surrender of unneeded assigned space, changes in the functional use of space; revisions to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire detection, fire suppression, or structural infrastructure; and major changes of finish materials or significant furniture purchases.  All hiring decisions and grant applications should be reviewed for implied or express commitments of facilities revisions and, if they occur, a request for Planning and Design Services should be immediately forwarded.  Exemptions include:

            a)  Replacement of flooring with similar flooring materials or the miscellaneous acquisition of additional or replacement office furniture is exempt from this process. 

            b)  Reassignments of office space within a department or college or reassignments of lab space within a department or college are also exempt but the Dean or Department Head making such reassignments should notify Facilities Planning Design and Construction when such arrangements are made so that accurate university databases can be maintained.

            3)  Initiating a Request for Planning and Design Services:  When a space planning need is identified, the Department Head must initiate a request for space planning and design services. 

            a)  The Department Head should, if feasible, suggest a solution, draw sketches of proposed arrangements, and/or comment on any known constraints or necessities.

            b)   In all cases, any contemplated changes in major equipment involving electrical loads, mechanical loads, structural loads, plumbing or gas connections, fire detection or fire suppression must be delineated quantitatively. 

            c)  Proposed funding to cover the implementation of the plan should be defined.

            d)  The Department Head is required to obtain the written concurrence of the Provost or Vice Chancellor on the request and forward it to the Director of Facilities Planning Design and Construction. 

            e)  The Director of Facilities Planning Design and Construction (FPDC) will assign the request to a staff manager for processing.  The Staff Manager from FPDC will work with the requestor to develop a Plan Proposal Document with recommendations as previously defined.

C.  Classroom Assignment and Utilization
The Registrar is responsible for maintaining an up to date inventory of all general use classrooms located on the UMass Dartmouth campus and conducting utilization studies as necessary

  1. Divisions/Departments may be assigned classrooms to conduct their educational programs.  When these classrooms are not scheduled by the departments to which they are assigned they return to the general classroom inventory to be assigned by the Registrar according to the following priorities:
  • Credit bearing courses and programs
  • Continuing Education courses and programs
  • Other non-credit course
  1. All requests for additional classroom space, with the exception of specialized areas, and changes in the use of existing classroom space must be submitted to the Registrar.  The Registrar in consultation with the appropriate dean shall be responsible for determining the use of current space assignments for the space reallocation.
  1. Room changes are made only through the Registrar.  Faculty are not authorized to make room changes on their own initiative and without prior approval.  Such changes are to be requested through a faculty member’s departmental chair and dean to the Registrar.
  1. No classroom may be converted to any other use without a justification from the Chair and approval by the Dean and Provost, and in consultation with FPDC.  The Chancellor will have final approval of any classroom conversions.

D.  Research

  • The Chair or Program Director is responsible for assigning laboratory space to faculty in their department or program. The factors that should be considered in allocating research laboratory space are:
    • Research productivity, as indicated by faculty publications and acquisition of external research funding
    • New hires who are establishing their research programs
    • Senior faculty who are re-developing research programs
  • Space allocated for time-limited uses (i.e., grants) reverts to unassigned status after completion of the specified time period, and must be vacated by the user.
  • Research activity will be reviewed as part of periodic space utilization analyses.

E. Space Audits & Utilization Analyses

  • Space audits will be conducted on a regular basis by FPDC, who maintain the official Space Inventory; by University Space Planner to review utilization; and on an as needed basis for specific requests and projects.  
  • Space audits will minimally consist of an updating of the space inventory records, walkthroughs of space with department representatives, and other survey instruments as needed.
  • Departments and colleges may be asked to provide information on FTE’s and headcounts of faculty, staff and students, teaching schedules, research/grant funding and duration, and any strategic planning documents.
  • Inappropriate and/or inefficient uses, such as vacancies, labs used for office space, offices or labs used for storage, study space or other non-office or lab functions, multiple offices for faculty or staff, space assigned to non-supported graduate students, or dead storage, as well as hazardous conditions, will be noted and reviewed with the unit with a goal of increasing utilization.

V.  Responsibility

A.  Facilities Planning, Design and Construction:  The department charged with the responsibility to recommend appropriate allocation of space is Facilitities Planning, Design and Constructiion (FPDC.) The primary focus of FPDC is to consider the space needs of the community, the planning and feasibility of new projects, and the future priorities of the University in order to make informed decisions about space allocation and design of space that meet program needs. FPDC is not responsible for event scheduling or assignment of space for events or classes. Decisions regarding space are made in alignment with the Campus Master Plan, the University’s Academic and Strategic Plans, and in communication with the Chancellor.  As necessary, the Chancellor reviews space allocation and/or enhancement plans before they are implemented.

B.  Registrar:  The Registrar is responsible for the assignment and utilization of general classroom space.

C.  Deans/Directors/Department Heads:  Responsible for the scheduling/assigning of space allocated to his/her unit.

D.  Vice Chancellors:  Responsible for approving requests and ensuring that requests are consistent with academic/program strategic plans.

C.  Chancellor:  Responsible for final approval.

VI.  Attachments
A. Space Allocation Guidelines
B.  Space Request Form
C.  Space Request Flow Chart

VII.  Approved:  _____________________________   Date:  _____________________

Attachment A:  Space Allocation Guidelines
NOTE:  The Square Footage  Recommendations are taken from the Council of Educational Facility Planners InternationalGuidelines.
Senior Administration Offices 

  • Chancellor: 400 - 450 NASF (Net Assignable Square Footage)
  • Provost: 350 - 400 NASF
  • Vice Provosts/Chancellors: 180 - 225 NASF
  • Deans/Associate/Assistant Vice Provosts/Chancellors: 175 - 200 NASF
  • Chairs/Unit Heads/Directors: 150 - 180 NASF

Faculty Offices

  • Faculty should not have more than one office on the same campus
  • Whenever possible, faculty offices should be single offices
  •  Part-time faculty and per course lecturers should be housed in shared offices with at least one other person.
  • Emeritus faculty who still carry teaching loads and/or advise graduate students may keep a single office, when possible. Other emeritus faculty should share an office or hoteling space, when possible.
  • Faculty offices should be in the range of 120 - 140 NASF (UMD Currently averages 160 NASF).  In some cases room sizes may fall outside of this range due to current building configurations. Faculty in disciplines that do not require additional research space may be provided with offices larger than the range, when possible.

Staff Offices

  • Staff should not have second offices on the same campus; in certain cases hoteling arrangements may be made.
  • Staff offices may be private, shared, or open landscape, as appropriate. Clerical and secretarial staff spaces should be in the range of 60 - 120 NASF. Specific allocations will depend on duties of the individual. Offices for administrative staff that require private offices should be in the range of 120-140 NASF.

Departmental/Unit Space

  • Department spaces typically include chair/director’s office; administrative and clerical support space; copy/file/mail/work rooms; break rooms; commons; and conference rooms. The need and size of these shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Graduate Student Offices

  • Graduate students who are supported through either teaching or research assistantships should be provided with desk space in shared offices.
  • Graduates students should be assigned between 45 - 60 NASF.

Attachment B:  Space Request Form

Attachment C:  Space Request Flow Chart

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