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World Wide Web Policy

Policy Number T99-059
Effective Date August 04, 1999
Responsible Office/Person Board of Trustees

DOC. T99-059

Passed by the BoT



The President of the University shall see to the development and implementation of guidelines governing University participation in the World Wide Web (WWW), which he may amend from time to time as appropriate or as required by law. If any University policy conflicts with federal or state statute, the applicable statute shall apply.

Such guidelines shall make provision for the design, development and maintenance of official University pages or publications on the World Wide Web and for the assignment of responsibility for assuring that such official publications are appropriately adapted to the mission of the University. The guidelines shall also provide specifications and requirements for the posting on University Internet or computing facilities of non-official web pages or publications by faculty, students, staff, organizations or others, provided that the University shall retain the right, subject only to constitutional protections of free speech and press, to remove any such web page or publication found to be in violation of any copyright, law, rule, regulation or University policy or procedure, or the rights of any person or organization, or to contain matter which is fraudulent, threatening or obscene. No person or organization shall be allowed to use University Internet or computing facilities to publish web pages for personal business or financial gain except as expressly permitted by other University policies. The guidelines issued pursuant to this policy shall also provide appropriate safeguards for the protection of private or confidential data.

Compliance with and implementation of the guidelines shall be a responsibility of any University employee using University Internet or computing facilities.
Upon approval of the guidelines or any amendment thereto, the President shall forward the guidelines to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The President, together with the Chancellors or their designees, shall also establish specifications and timetables for the development of supplementary World Wide Web procedures on the campuses. Campus procedures must adhere to this policy and the President’s guidelines.

Responsible/Acceptable Use of Computing and Data Resources
Data and Computing Standards
Data/System Administrator Responsibilities and System Requirements
Data and Computing Guidelines/Standards Definitions

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