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Duo Multifactor Authentication

The Duo mobile app icon

UMass Darmouth uses the Duo mobile app to provide Multifactor Authentication (MFA) services. MFA requires two or more methods to verify your identity when you access a secure system.

This protects the University against data breaches by ensuring only legitimate users and appropriate devices have access to sensitive data and applications.

It also protect students, employees and vendors. Student, employee, and vendor sensitive data lives in the University's enterprise systems. Sensitive data (student FERPA protected data, social security numbers, bank accounts, and tax forms) is more secure. 

Duo is used with any system that requires the UMassD Logon for authentication, for example:

  • The MyUMassD Portal
  • Office365 / Outlook
  • myCourses
  • Buyways
  • Corsair Jobs
  • COIN
  • HR Direct
  • Peoplesoft Finance and Summit
  • Others

To use MFA, you are encouraged to download the Duo app onto your smartphone or tablet and link it to your UMassD Logon account. Use these instructions to get started:

 Duo Multifactor Authentication Setup Instructions

If you need help adding or changing your DUO MFA device, please make a support request online or call 508.999.8900.

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