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Photograph of Haiping Xu


Haiping Xu, PhD

Professor / Chairperson

Computer & Information Science





Dion 302G


2003University of Illinois at ChicagoPhD in Computer Science
1998Wright State UniversityMS in Computer Science
1989Zhejiang University, ChinaBS in Electrical Engineering





Parallelism and distribution of processing; software bus concept; patterns in software design. The course provides an in-depth discussion of the software systems wit multiple processes and of the relationship between concurrency and distribution of processes. The concept of the software bus, the existing standards, and the issues associated with their implementation are covered.

Prerequisites: Completion of three core courses.   Development of a detailed, significant project in computer science under the close supervision of a faculty member, perhaps as one member of a student team. This project may be a software implementation, a design effort, or a theoretical or practical written analysis. Project report with optional oral presentation must be evaluated by three faculty members including the project supervisor.  

Prerequisite: Completion of three core courses. Research leading to submission of a formal thesis. This course provides a thesis experience, which offers a student the opportunity to work on a comprehensive research topic in the area of computer science in a scientific manner. Topic to be agreed in consultation with a supervisor. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Graded A-F.

Prerequisite: Completion of three core courses. Research leading to submission of a formal thesis. This course provides a thesis experience, which offers a student the opportunity to work on a comprehensive research topic in the area of computer science in a scientific manner. Topic to be agreed in consultation with a supervisor. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Graded A-F.


Research awards

  • $ 457,478 awarded by Office of Naval Research for UMassD MUST IV: Knowledge Augmented Adaptive Learning of Evolving Models for Large Sensor Data Streams


Research interests

  • Electronic Commerce, Internet Security, Web Services
  • Formal Methods, Model-Based Software Development
  • Mobile Agent Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Intelligent Agents
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Computing, Ubiquitous Computing

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