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Performance Measurement System

Policy Number T97-111
Effective Date December 03, 1997
Responsible Office/Person Board of Trustees

Doc. T97-111

Passed by the BoT

University of Massachusetts Performance Measurement System

There shall be a performance measurement system for the University of Massachusetts to evaluate campus performance related to the following objectives:

  1. to ensure the high quality of academic programs and services
  2. to promote student access and affordability
  3. to recruit qualified undergraduate and graduate students
  4. to promote student success
  5. to pursue theoretical and applied research, scholarship, and creative activity
  6. to contribute to the economic development of the Commonwealth
  7. to support K-12 education programs
  8. to provide policy research addressing the needs of the Commonwealth and local communities
  9. to ensure cost-effective use of resources
  10. to maximize fundraising from private sources

The performance measurement system shall consist of three major components:

  1. A set of performance indicators to be reported annually
  2. A series of in-depth reports and studies to be reported periodically
  3. A procedure to assess the quality of all campus academic departments and programs on a regular cycle beginning in academic year 1998-99

The President shall issue guidelines to implement this policy and he shall recommend the annual target performance indicators to the Board of Trustees for approval. In addition, the President shall develop any other performance measures that he determines appropriate for the measurement of the University's performance.

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