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Facilities Operations and Construction Flag Policy

Policy Number FOC-003 A
Effective Date March 22, 2017
(Revised 2023)
Responsible Office/Person Office of the Chancellor
Additional History

This policy supersedes the 3/22/17 Flag Policy

Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the display of the national, state, and University flags (“Official Flags”). In addition, this policy establishes the process for suggesting flags representing an entity other than the United States and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to be flown on a University flagpole. The general purpose of the University flagpoles is to convey the values of the campus, as determined by the Chancellor and the Chancellor’s Cabinet.


This policy applies to all campuses and satellite locations affiliated with UMass Dartmouth, including the Law School and SMAST.

Official flags

It is the policy of UMass Dartmouth that the national, state, UMass Dartmouth and federally recognized POW/MIA flags are displayed at the entrance to each campus, including satellite locations wherever possible, in accordance with federal and state regulations. The maintenance of the official flags will be the responsibility of the Facilities & Administration Division in consultation with the Chancellor’s Office.

Generally, the official flags will be flown 24 hours a day, seven days a week with proper lighting. They may be taken down due to extreme inclement weather by order of the University Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee or by the direction of the Vice-Chancellor for Facilities & Administration.

The national flags of countries of foreign dignitaries visiting UMass Dartmouth will be temporarily displayed at the entrance of the main campus for the duration of the dignitary’s visit.

The lowering of official flags to half-staff is done on the occasion of the death of federal or state officials, by the order of the President of the United States or the Governor of Massachusetts.

Other flags

The flying of Other Flags shall be restricted to separate University flagpoles located:

UMass Dartmouth main campus

  1. Unity Plaza (flags of symbolism)
  2. Flagpole brackets on the LARTS/Auditorium Bridge through Foster overpass (international flags)

Law school

1. A separate flag pole(s) to be located on the grounds of the campus to display flags of symbolism.

International flags

In addition to the flags of the United States, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and UMass Dartmouth, the university will display on its Main Campus the flags representing the countries of students, faculty, and staff who are non-U.S. citizens, providing that the countries are recognized as United Nations (UN) member states. The Flag Committee will verify the list of international flags to be displayed prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. International flags will be displayed on the flagpole brackets on the LARTS bridge from the Auditorium to the MacLean Campus Center and across the overpass of the Foster Administration Building.

Flags of Symbolism

Student movements, advocacy and activism have long been important parts of University life, which have fostered change throughout the history of the institution. We believe it is important to develop a policy that will unite UMass Dartmouth in celebration of our history and culture—a policy that will stand the test of time and allow the university community to continue to express its values appropriately as new social movements emerge over time.

Beginning in Fall 2023, flags of symbolism that embody the University’s values and celebrate the diversity and cultural pluralism of our campus community will fly in specific locations identified above on designated UMass Dartmouth campuses and satellite locations. Flags of symbolism may be flown continuously or for specified periods of time throughout the year. At least two weeks prior to the start of the fall semester, the Flag Committee will determine whether flags of symbolism flown continuously through the previous academic year will continue to be displayed. The committee will also periodically consider requests from University-sanctioned clubs, organizations, and departments to display additional flags of symbolism, whether continuously or for specified periods of time.

The Chancellor, in consultation with the Chancellor’s Cabinet and considering the recommendations of the Flag Committee, as described below, will determine if requested flags are consistent with University culture, values, messages, policies, and practices. The operational authority and management of these flagpoles has been delegated to the Flag Committee who shall maintain a protocol for suggesting additional flags of symbolism.

UMass Dartmouth Main Campus Unity Plaza

Beginning in Fall 2023, the University will create a Unity Plaza on its Main Campus to allow for the display of flags of symbolism and support the continued growth, diversity, and cultural pluralism of our campus. As soon as the Unity Plaza is constructed, in the first instance, the Black Lives Matter, Progressive Pride and Wampanoag Nation flags will be displayed on a continuous basis, subject to the annual review of the Flag Committee. In accordance with the protocol established by the Flag Committee, University-sanctioned clubs, organizations, and departments may request that additional flags of symbolism be temporarily or continuously displayed at the Unity Plaza. No more than two flags of symbolism shall be displayed simultaneously on any Unity Plaza flagpole.

Residence Halls & Flags

To preserve the uniform appearance of the community no items including flags, banners, signs, or other items shall be hung from, attached to, or hung out of windows.

Compliance with Flag Policy

The UMass Dartmouth Police Department is responsible for investigating or handling any unusual circumstances, such as unauthorized raising, lowering, theft, or improper use of flags. The installation of flag poles at additional campus locations is authorized only upon approval of the Chancellor based on advice from Facilities Management and the availability of resources.

Operational Authority

The Flag Policy will be managed by the Office of Student Affairs, and the display of flags of symbolism and international flags will be managed by the Flag Committee, which shall maintain a protocol for requesting flags of symbolism to be displayed.

Annual Review of Policy

The Flag Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains current with campus needs.

UMass Dartmouth Flag Committee

The UMass Dartmouth Flag Committee will be appointed by the Chancellor and will include the following:

  1. Chief Diversity Officer, Co-Chair
  2. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or designee, Co-Chair
  3. Academic Affairs Representative
  4. Graduate Student Senate Representative
  5. Student Government Association Representative
  6. Student Bar Association Representative
  7. Chief of Staff
  8. Chief of Police


  1. Annual Review of Flag Policy: The UMass Dartmouth Flag Committee (“Flag Committee”) is responsible for annually reviewing the University’s Flag Policy and recommending any revisions to the Chancellor.
  2. International Flag Display: The Flag Committee shall also maintain the university’s display of international flags. Prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters, the Flag Committee shall obtain from Human Resources and the International Student & Scholar Center a list of all the countries of registered students, faculty and staff who are non-U.S. Citizens, and verify that these are recognized as United Nations Member States. The Flag Committee shall ensure that the flags of these countries are displayed at the appropriate main campus location in accordance with the Flag Policy.
  3. Display of Flags of Symbolism: The Flag Committee shall also annually review the display of flags of symbolism and make a recommendation to the Chancellor for the display of such flags at the Unity Plaza prior to the start of each academic year. The Flag Committee will maintain a protocol for requesting that flags of symbolism be flown and will review all such requests and make recommendations to the Chancellor. The Flag Committee will work with the Facilities & Administration Division to ensure that approved flags of symbolism are flown in accordance with the Flag Policy.

Protocols for suggestion and approval

The Flag Committee will maintain on the University website a protocol for requesting that additional flags of symbolism be flown. A member of any University-sanctioned club, organization, or department must provide a formal request to the UMass Dartmouth Flag Committee to fly a flag of symbolism, on a timeline in accordance with the Flag Committee’s stated protocol for such requests. Early requests are appreciated, to help ensure that approved flags of symbolism can be procured ahead of significant dates and special events.

The Flag Committee will meet periodically to review requests, to ensure that the suggested flag-raising is consistent with University culture, values, messages, policies, and practices. The Flag Committee will respond to each request by making a recommendation to the Chancellor within a reasonable period as outlined in its stated protocol for such requests. The committee’s recommendation should include a picture of the flag of symbolism that has been requested to be flown, an articulation of the university’s value(s) that the flag represents, an outline of any special considerations, and (if recommending that the flag be flown) the duration for which the flag is recommended to be displayed.

The Chancellor may consult with the Cabinet and other members of the campus community in considering requests to fly flags of symbolism, and will respond to the Flag Committee’s recommendation(s) within a reasonable period, as outlined in the Flag Committee’s stated protocol for such requests. Final decision-making authority for the display of flags of symbolism rests with the Chancellor. If a request is approved, the Umass Dartmouth Flag Committee will procure the appropriate flag of symbolism, which must be of suitable size and quality, and will notify the appropriate Facilities & Administration staff for the raising and lowering of the flag of symbolism on the approved dates. Flags of symbolism may be flown continuously or for a specified period of time to coincide with a special event, significant anniversary or designated period of recognition.

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