Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality
About CWGS
Originally founded in 1970 as the Women’s Referral Center, the Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality (CWGS) is the second oldest collegiate Women’s Center in the country. With strong activist roots, the women who created the Women’s Referral Center began contraceptive and abortion rights advocacy and education before the 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade. Over the past four decades the Women’s Referral Center has evolved first into the Women’s Center, then in 1996, it became the Women’s Resource Center, and in 2011, the Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality, each time expanding its mission and services to provide progressive inclusive services and resources to students.
The CWGS amplifies and advocates for all genders and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer community.
CWGS is located in the McLean Campus Center in Suite 207.
Whether you are out, coming out, in-between, questioning, or exploring your gender identity, we have professional staff able to help you.
We strive to support students, faculty, and staff by creating a more welcoming classroom for UMass Dartmouth’s trans and gender diverse students.
The difference between a Primary Name and Chosen Name and how to change your Primary Name here at UMass Dartmouth.
A variety of options of resources for take care of your mind and body.
In light of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, CWGS remains dedicated to referring women and pregnant people to safe abortion providers and educating students on their birth control options.
We want our students, staff and faculty to know they are supported and are not alone.
Lunch and learn about The Janes, the legendary underground abortion networks. For more information, visit the documentary's website:
Come to the mixer and meet friends old and new!
Join us for adult coloring and conversation about bodies & sex! Sponsored by CWGS and Pride Alliance.
Join us for adult coloring and conversation about bodies & sex!
Join us for adult coloring and conversation about bodies and sex!