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IT Purchasing Policy

Policy Number BUS-C13-005
Effective Date June 25, 2013
Responsible Office/Person Administrative Services/CITS
Related Policies

University Purchasing Policy, T92-31 as revised
Information Technology Acquisition Policy T08-086

I.    Policy

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMD) Purchasing department in conjunction with Computing and Information Technology Services (CITS) are responsible for the acquisition of technology systems and related products in accordance with Trustee Policy T92-31, Information Technology Acquisition Policy. This policy applies to technology as defined herein regardless of dollar value. Individuals are not allowed to purchase technology as defined herein with the Pro Card.

II.    Purpose

It is the goal of the UMD administration to have a simplified cost-effective procedure, for the acquisition, installation, and support of the UMD computing environment. The Purchasing and CITS departments are responsible for assuring that UMD provides a consistent manner for procuring; standardizing; maintaining; installing; tracking; supporting; and retiring of Technology Assets.    \

  1. This Policy:
    1. Applies to all UMD staff and departments who purchase technology as defined herein using Institutional Funds.
    2. Ensures that the Information Technology (IT) Environment to support the lease, purchase and implementation of IT related hardware and software exists;
    3. Ensures that cost savings through enterprise or other aggregated purchasing mechanisms are identified and applied;
    4. Ensures the efficient and cost effective deployment of IT technology;
    5. Ensures that institutionally developed standards are adhered to; and
    6. Ensures that IT Contracts, leases and purchasing guidelines are considered.
  2. Assets Covered by this Policy: The use of the following hardware devices are covered within this policy:
    1. Servers
    2. Desktop Computers
    3. Laptop Computers
    4. Monitors
    5. Handheld Computers/PDA's/tablets
    6. Printers, Scanners, Fax machines and Plotters
    7. Copiers, Multi-Functional Devices
    8. Network Equipment (e.g., IP, Switches, Routers, etc.)

III.    Definitions

  1. Multi-Functional Device (MFD): Is a digital office machine which incorporates the functionality of multiple devices in one. A MFD may act as a combination of some of the following devices:
    • printer/photocopier/fax/scanner, depending on the desired configuration.
  2. Personal Desktop Printer: Is a low end print device that is not networked, being only connected to an individual's computer.
  3. UMD: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Campus including the main campus as well as all of its off campus facilities, programs, and related operations.

IV.    Procedures

  1. Hardware
    1. All solicitation, including quotes shall be administered and obtained by the Technology Procurement Coordinator or Procurement Department in conjunction with the UMD staff or faculty member. '.fhe decision on computer system configuration resides with the Technology Procurement Coordinator.
    2. It is expected that all faculty, staff and administrators have one University owned computer system for teaching and business functions. Exceptions require prior written approval by the Dean, Department Head or Chairperson and Assistant Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services.
    3. Handheld Computers/PDA/Tablet devices require the prior written approval by the Dean, Department Head or Chairperson and Assistant Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services or their designee.
    4. The purchase of standalone or networked fax machines, printers and scanners require prior written approval by the Dean, Department Head or Chairperson and Assistant Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services.
    5. The purchase of personal desktop printers and related supplies is prohibited.
    6. It is preferred that all purchased computers and laptops minimally meet Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Bronze standard or higher where cost and performance needs will not be compromised. EPEAT criteria and a list of all registered products can be found at:
    7. It is preferred that all technology products minimally meet or exceed Energy Star certification where applicable and practicable. When Energy Star compliant products are not available, products in the upper 25% of energy efficiency as designated by the Federal Energy Management Program should be used.
  2. Software
    1. Supported software: Please see link for supported software.
    2. Non Supported Software: It is understood that there are times there is a need for the installation of non-supported software. The following guidelines apply to the installation of non-supported software:
      1. Software must be legally licensed, virus free software.
      2. Users are responsible for maintaining their own copies of the software.
      3. CITS is not responsible for the status of this software if a computer needs to be rebuilt.
      4. CITS will make every effort but is not responsible for ensuring that non­-supported software will work properly on University owned workstations.
      5. If non-supported software causes a conflict with software used to conduct University business, e.g. COIN, then CITS is authorized to remove it from the computer.
    3. When large application software is being acquired through a competitive solicitation or other processes, it is required to contact CITS to ensure that the software integrates with campus configurations, access, and security appropriately.
  3. Variances and exceptions to this policy
    Any and all variances or exceptions to this policy must be made in writing providing a business, educational or research justification of why a variance is required. The justification must be approved by the Dean, Department Head or Chair and Administrative Services.

V.    Responsibility

  1. UMD CITS and procurement staff are responsible for hardware recommendations, configuration, and quotes, per procedures listed below.
  2. UMD departments prepare requisitions within PeopleSoft (PS) Financials for workflow approval, based on Purchasing & CITS guidelines.
  3. The department is responsible for maintaining inventory in accordance with Inventory Control Policy.
  4. Purchasing develops contracts and relationships with preferred suppliers, approves purchases orders within PS workflow and places order with the appropriate vendor.
  5. Property Control is responsible for initial tagging and maintenance of equipment location in conjunction with department staff.
  6. Purchasing and CITS are responsible for reviewing and approving requests for variances to this policy.

VI.    Attachments

In support of this policy, the following forms are included:

Related policies and documents

  1. Information Technology Acquisition Policy, Trustee Policy T08-086
  2. University Purchasing Policy, Trustee Policy T92-31, As Revised
  3. Property Control Policy and Procedures
  4. Pro-card Policy (Personal Computers are not to be purchased using Pro-card)
  5. Purchase Recommendations for New Computers
  6. Faculty Instructional Laptop Program (FILP)

VII.    Approval and effective date

Divina Grossman Chancellor


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