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Toby Stapleton


Toby Stapleton, PhD

Assistant Teaching Professor

Decision & Information Sciences





Charlton College of Business 205


2017UMass DartmouthPhD
2015UMass DartmouthMA
2005Suffolk UniversityMBA
2004Bryant UniversityBA


  • Supply Chain Management
  • Healthcare Operations
  • Management Information Systems





Introduction to the management and use of information systems (IS) in organizations. Topics such as functional information systems, enterprise information systems, e-business, system design, implementation and evaluation, and ethical issues related to information systems will be covered. In addition to concepts and theories, students will develop an Access database project to enhance their understanding of information systems in general and get familiar with database technology in particular.

Introduction to the management and use of information systems (IS) in organizations. Topics such as functional information systems, enterprise information systems, e-business, system design, implementation and evaluation, and ethical issues related to information systems will be covered. In addition to concepts and theories, students will develop an Access database project to enhance their understanding of information systems in general and get familiar with database technology in particular.

Work experience at a specialized level supervised for graded academic credit by a faculty member in the student's major field. Students must register in advance to receive credit for an internship in the Business College. For specific procedures and regulations, see the section of the catalogue on Other Learning Experiences. Conditions and hours to be arranged.

Introduction to the information technology used in modern organizations. The course is designed to provide a technical understanding of information technology, practical experience and management perspectives on its utilization in organizations.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Introduction to the information technology used in modern organizations. The course is designed to provide a technical understanding of information technology, practical experience and management perspectives on its utilization in organizations.

Introduction to transformation processes that minimize waste and maximize the value of customer care. Topics include knowledge-based design, scientific observation and continuous experimentation, small impact problem solving, employee empowerment, and other Lean techniques. Exploration of Lean in a wide variety of real world healthcare organizations is integrated into the course. POM 684 is the Capstone course for the M.S. in Healthcare management degree.

Analysis of service operations and contemporary policy issues related to health care. Health care costs, financing, quality, economics, health information technology and other topics that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of health care are examined from a multidisciplinary perspective that embraces both business and policy disciplines.

Work experience at a specialized level supervised for graded academic credit by a faculty member in the student's major field. Students must register in advance to receive credit for an internship in the Business College. For specific procedures and regulations, see the section of the catalogue on Other Learning Experiences. Conditions and hours to be arranged.

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