2015 2015: Global Aquaculture Alliance and Preferred Freezer Services partnership empowers UMass Dartmouth students to build global aquaculture facilities database

2015 2015: Global Aquaculture Alliance and Preferred Freezer Services partnership empowers UMass Dartmouth students to build global aquaculture facilities database
Global Aquaculture Alliance and Preferred Freezer Services partnership empowers UMass Dartmouth students to build global aquaculture facilities database

UMass Dartmouth launches Preferred Freezer Services/Global Aquaculture Alliance Summer Internship Project

The launch of a Preferred Freezer Services/Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) Summer Internship Project took place Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at UMass Dartmouth's Foster Administration Building Board of Trustees Room. Preferred Freezer Services, Inc. and the Global Aquaculture Alliance are sponsoring a 4-person student team advised by the University's Computer and Data Science Professor Dr. David Koop to compile and organize a global database of aquaculture farmers, feed producers, processing centers and hatcheries. UMass Dartmouth students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on data analytics research and provide Preferred Freezer Services and the Global Aquaculture Alliance with relevant information to inform future strategy for their organizations. 

The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) is an international, non-profit organization committed to feeding the world through responsible, sustainable aquaculture. The GAA advocates for improving the entire aquaculture production chain, from feed mills and hatcheries to farms and processing plants, as well as wholesalers, retailers, foodservice operators and consumers. 

Preferred Freezer Services, Inc. offers the most modern, state-of-the-art, full service temperature controlled warehouses in the United States. They began providing cold storage services in 1989 from a 1.3-million-cubic-feet warehouse in Perth Amboy, NJ, with 26 full-time employees and gross revenues of $3.6 million. Since that time, they have expanded to become one of the largest Public Refrigerated Warehouse companies in North America. 

The data will serve the work GAA undertakes with aquaculture producers around the world through its commitment to feeding the world through responsible, sustainable aquaculture. For Preferred Freezers, one of the largest public refrigerated warehouse companies in the U.S., frozen seafood is among the most critical products stored in their facilities. 

UMass Dartmouth's Data Science program launches this fall and will encourage students to harness the power of data in business, government, healthcare, and the sciences. The program offers an interdisciplinary approach to this emergent field, building upon the university's centers of excellence in engineering, computer science, mathematics, statistics and an array of academic disciplines. The program will launch this fall and will encourage students to harness the power of data to transform fields such as business, government, healthcare, and the sciences. 

For more information about UMass Dartmouth and our Data Science Degree visit: umassd.edu/datascience

For more information about Preferred Freezer Services, Inc. visit: preferredfreezer.com 

For more information about the Global Aquaculture Alliance visit: gaalliance.org