2024 News 2024: Corsair Replay: The top 20 UMass Dartmouth stories of 2024

2024 News 2024: Corsair Replay: The top 20 UMass Dartmouth stories of 2024
Corsair Replay: The top 20 UMass Dartmouth stories of 2024

From puppies to baby sharks, cybersecurity to nursing, and many incredible victories for our sports teams, 2024 was a banner year.

Campus aerial

The year is almost over, so what better time to reflect on all the fantastic things our UMass Dartmouth community accomplished? From puppies to baby sharks, cybersecurity to nursing, and many incredible victories for our sports teams, 2024 was a banner year.    

It was hard to pick our favorite stories from the past twelve months, but we stuck to twenty and are excited to share them. Do you have a favorite or want something covered next year? 

Tell us, and we'll feature it!  

  1. UMassD's undergraduate nursing program ranked among the best in the nation.

  2. Highlighting a core strength of the school, UMass Law welcomes the largest and most diverse class ever.

  3. UMass Dartmouth will deploy $8M in state funds to support the Blue Economy and the sustainability of coastal and ocean resources.

  4. We launched "the UMass Dartmouth Deal" to expand access to higher ed to high-need Massachusetts undergrads.

  5. In an unforgettable commencement, the graduating class 2024 receives the gift of a lifetime

  6. UMassD students welcome Dean Madan Annavarjula to the Charlton College of Business.  

  7. Crime and Justice Studies Professor Erin Krafft receives the UMass Manning Prize for Teaching Excellence.

  8. The Cybersecurity Center renews its designation as a federally recognized center of academic excellence to continue training the nation's best cybersecurity professionals.

  9. Two UMassD students receive prestigious Department of Defense SMART Scholarship.

  10. To help regional nurses get degrees and continue to improve healthcare, UMass Dartmouth and Southcoast Health launch partnership

  11. Inaugural interior architecture + design Tamotsu Yamamoto Scholarship awarded this year by university. 

  12. SMAST faculty receive $4.9 million through a sea scallop research program to promote collaboration between scientists and fishermen.

  13. SMAST alums and faculty were featured on Shark Week and SharkFest programs.

  14. Volleyball's outstanding season concludes in NCAA Tourney.

  15. Football concludes 2024 regular season undefeated and reaches second round of NCAA Tournament. 

  16. Assistant Professor Nefeli Bompoti wins $1M federal grants to build environmental programs and policies with under-resourced communities.

  17. UMass Dartmouth renews commitment to Portuguese scholarship through Portugal's Camões Institute partnership.

  18. To increase offshore wind accessibility and effectiveness in the region, UMass Dartmouth partners in $11.9M Academic Center for Reliability and Resilience of Offshore Wind

  19. Tech & Innovation externship helps forty students of color in STEM build career skills in growing sectors. 

  20. UMassD PD welcomes four-legged recruit, Bella a four-month-old Labrador, who will focus on community engagement and mental health support. 

That's a wrap 2024. Happy end of the semester and year, Corsairs. Let's do more amazing things in 2025!
