2012 2012: Value for students, value for community: Washington Monthly ranks UMass Dartmouth 25th in nation

2012 2012: Value for students, value for community: Washington Monthly ranks UMass Dartmouth 25th in nation
Value for students, value for community: Washington Monthly ranks UMass Dartmouth 25th in nation

University earns sky-high marks on "goals of increasing social mobility, producing research, and inspiring public service"

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth has been ranked 25th in the nation among master's degree-granting universities by Washington Monthly magazine.

"I am so proud -- but not one bit surprised -- to see our University rated so highly," said Chancellor Divina Grossman. "This ranking illustrates the amazing ability and determination of of our students, faculty and staff to connect learning and discovery to the social and economic development of our community."

According to the recent edition of the magazine, UMass Dartmouth is one of the universities "doing an outstanding job while keeping prices low at the same time, helping students earn valuable diplomas without being shackled by debt...providing huge benefits to their students and their nation."

Last year, UMass Dartmouth students contributed nearly 200,000 hours of service, valued at $5 million, to the community.

Washington Monthly has been ranking universities since 2005, in order to "show which schools get their students over the finish line at a reasonable price."

According to the magazine, the four factors that decide Washington Monthly's rankings are:

* "Social mobility, which gives colleges credit for enrolling many low-income students and helping them earn degrees.

* "Research production, particularly at schools whose undergraduates go on to earn PhDs.

* "Commitment to service. The students in our best colleges are taught by example and design to look beyond themselves and give back.

* "College prices. Colleges that are both effective and inexpensive get the highest marks."

The Washington Monthly ranking is just one more example in series of national awards and recognitions for UMass Dartmouth's civic engagement effort, following a top-1% ranking on the President's National Community Service Honor Roll and a Carnegie designation as a
Community Engagement University.

Articles explaining the ranking system can be found at: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/magazine/features/

The University's actual ranking is at: