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The university has deployed a wireless network that allows faculty, staff and students to connect to the Internet and other campus services in most areas on the main campus. This includes all academic buildings, study areas, cafeterias, and the Claire T. Carney Library, as well as the Residence Halls.

Three wireless networks:
eduroam, CorsairWiFi, and UMassD-Guest

UMass Dartmouth has three wireless networks: eduroam,  CorsairWiFi, and UMassD-Guest that are used differently.


Eduroam is a global academic wireless network. UMass Dartmouth students, faculty and staff can use their UMassD email address and password to access the eduroam network on campus, and when visiting other academic institutions.

Connect your mobile device to the eduroam network


The CorsairWiFi wireless network is used for residents' game consoles and media streaming devices. Visit the Game Consoles and Media Streaming page for more information.

Note that CorsairWiFi cannot be used to access campus email, the myUMassD portal, or most administrative systems.


The UMassD-Guest network is used for visitors to campus. Visitors must register their device in order to use this network. During the academic year, registration lasts for 24 hours, after which guests will need to register again. 

UMassD-Guest cannot be used to access most campus systems.

Wi-Fi Calling is available through both networks. Most smartphones and cell carriers support Wi-Fi calling which utilizes wireless connectivity to make calls when cell service is limited or not available.

Acceptable use of information technology resources policy

Before you move on, please familiarize yourself with UMass Dartmouth's Acceptable Use Of Information Technology Resources Policy. As a user of our network and computer systems, you are responsible for complying with these policies.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you have trouble connecting to the campus wireless networks, it can be helpful to have your device forget the network, then reconnect. 

Need help?

To get help, please contact CITS at 508.999.8900 or use our online IT Help form (login required).

Students are not allowed to setup a router for any reason. Routers cause interference with the campus network.

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